


诺威根海底机器人专家孔斯伯格·费罗蒂奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)已经显示,目前正在开发一种水下3D打印技术,用于维修海床水平管道。


“先进的水下机器人s give the customer major savings in both cost and time – performed in an environmentally friendly manner – without producing discharges to the sea,” said Christopher Carlsen, CEO of Kongsberg Ferrotech. “Our solutions have been in development for the past five years, and we will begin offering underwater composite repairs to the Southeast Asian market in Q3 2021.”

“通过我们的检查,维护和维修(IMR) - 动物技术,我们将研讨会造成损害,而不是对车间的损害。”

金斯伯格·费罗托奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)的AM野心

孔斯伯格·费罗蒂奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)’s metal 3D printing project has seen it join forces withEquinor,,,,SINTEF,,,,Gassco挪威研究委员会开发用于水下维护,维修和大修(MRO)应用的技术。

Through the program, Kongsberg Ferrotech aims to produce an upgrade for its existing Subsea Flow Line Control and Repair (SFCR) robots, which enables them to carry out in-situ repairs on nautical flowlines. At present, the firm’s ‘Nauticus’ bot is capable of being lowered into the sea, establishing a vacuum and repairing any broken pipes, before returning to the surface without leaving any debris.


Kongsberg Ferrotech的Nautilus水下维修系统。
金斯伯格·费罗托奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)的“ nautilus”水下维修系统。图片通过Kongsberg Ferrotech。

“ 3D打印技术的快速发展正在创造新的机会和市场,” Equinor 3D印刷负责人BredeLærum解释说。“将这项技术与金斯伯格·费罗托奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)的机器人相结合为海底修复和修改开辟了许多令人兴奋的新可能性。我们期待与我们的行业合作伙伴进行密切合作。”

Kongsberg Ferrotech的技术可能自2016年以来一直在开发中,但据报道,它已经通过了挪威Trondheim Fjord的Deep Water Composite Verive测试,该公司表示,该公司预计将在其首次商业应用程序“最早在2022年)进行委托。

“The collaboration with Equinor, Gassco, and SINTEF represents world-class expertise within operations of underwater installations, underwater transport systems, and research on metallic repair,” concluded Carlsen. “This unique opportunity to develop underwater 3D printing for lifetime extension is an important technology leap – not only for Kongsberg Ferrotech, but also for the industry.”

3D printing’s pipe-repairing potential

在管道维修中采用3D打印可能对航海公司非常有益,为它们提供了成本和时间节省,并有可能完全消除停机时间的需求。过去,中国公司Nanfang添加剂制造技术还与当地合作伙伴进行了重大雷电竞充值研究,以EBM 3D打印油和气体生产线零件进行。

与金斯伯格·费罗托奇(Kongsberg Ferrotech)的研发计划不同,南芬(Nanfang)的项目发生在海平面以上,但确实产生了400千克原型压力容器缸。同样,2019年,金属3D打印机制造商滴虫opted to许可两项CSIRO专利与潜在的油,天然气和采矿应用有雷电竞充值关的钛管,阀门和连续管道的添加剂制造。




特色图显示了Kongsberg Ferrotech的Nautilus水下维修系统。图片通过Kongsberg Ferrotech。