
新的Ultimaker 3D打印机现在包含用户设计的加热块雷电竞app下载

Before Ultimaker community member Andres Olsson created a new heating block for his Ultimaker 2, 3D printing users such as himself had to struggle with the tedious and limited process of having to switch nozzles for certain prints, which meant that the entire heating block also had to be replaced. But Olsson, an engineer researching neutron particles, overcame this issue by creating theOlsson Block,一个加热块,可以轻松将不同尺寸的喷嘴脱离并连接到单个加热块。奥尔森(Olsson)的项目被上传并获得了Ultimaker社区的热烈欢迎,以至于Ultimaker决定将Olsson Block包装在Olsson Block上Ultimaker 2Ultimaker 2扩展3D printers through the month of November.


Olsson developed this creation specifically for printing with boron carbide, which deteriorated his stock heating block during experimentation. Dissatisfied with having to continuously change out the heating block of his Ultimaker 2, Olsson had the idea to design a heating block that would allow different nozzles to be replaced and changed in a matter of seconds. Although most Makers are not performing the intensive material work that Olsson has undertaken, they oftentimes deal with the same time-consuming problem of changing out heating blocks and nozzles. Ultimaker recognizes the usefulness of Olsson’s invention, and is using his community-renowned heating block to make their 3D printers a bit more lucrative to consumers.

Olsson块与0.25mm,0.4mm,0.6mm和0.8mm的喷嘴兼容,使用户可以选择打印细节(0.25mm)或快速打印(0.8mm)。加热块还将协助那些不断更换材料的制造商,因为他们现在将能够快速切换喷嘴以获取新的材料印刷品。Ultimaker几乎立即注意到了Olsson的创作,而《 Ultimaker 2》的额外组成部分证明了拥有强大的3D印刷社区的重要性。


“We work closely together with our community to innovate our products,”Ultimaker的创始人兼首席技术官Siert Wijnia说。“Many innovations at Ultimaker are community powered, ensuring it’s not just about what we believe is important, but also what our users want to see and use.”


The Olsson Block will accompany any Ultimaker 2 or Ultimaker 2 Extended that is purchased from the company during the month of November, giving prospective customers a good reason to take a close look at Ultimaker’s 3D printers. Whether you are trying to print baron carbide or just trying to switch your nozzle for detail purposes, the Olsson Block has made this previously strenuous and time-consuming process of replacing nozzles into an afterthought.