
“世界第一款” 3D印刷玻璃纤维船,在热那亚船展上首次亮相2020

Tech start-upMOI复合材料will display the “world’s first” 3D printed boat in continuous fiberglass thermoset material at the2020 Genoa Boat show,跨越10月1日至6日。

First unveiled at Formnext 2019,,,,the Motor Additive Manufacturing BOat (MAMBO) was produced by Continuous Fiber Manufacturing (CFM), a patented 3D printing technology that involves the use of robots guided by generative algorithms.

MOI复合材料的首席执行官兼联合创始人Gabriele Natale说:“我们参加了2017年的热那亚船展,正是在这次活动中,我们提出了制作Mambo的想法。”“我们看到该项目首先成形,然后将其栩栩如生,最后曼博今天到达了海。我们有一艘3D打印的船,通过由主人的思想创建和量身定制的一种设计,增强了定制的概念,以使每个人都有机会以自己的方式理解和体验大海。”

The MAMBO spans 6.5 meters by 2.5 meters and is printed in a continuous fiberglass thermoset material. Image via Moi Composites.

Additive manufacturing in the marine sector


In 2018,缅因州技术学院(MTI),一家业务发展服务,向该公司授予500,000美元University of Maine Advanced Structures and Composites Center,使研究人员能够探索经济3D打印船结构on a large scale. A year later, the center received three吉尼斯世界纪录for the world’s largest prototype polymer 3D printer, largest solid 3D printed object, andlargest 3D printed boat

别处,MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory(csail)开发了3D可打印的船只,而新加坡的National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster(NAMIC)和海事港口管理局(MPA)签署了一份理解备忘录(MOU),以合作digitalization and advancement of manufacturingin the maritime sector, specifically with 3D printing. Shortly after,Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems和新加坡国防科学技术机构(DSTA) also signed an MoU to探索添加剂制造和雷电竞充值数据分析用于海军申请。

最近,国防部海军研究公司NavatekUniversity of Mainewere granted a $5 million contract by theOffice of Naval Research(ONR)预付3D打印材料和制造过程for the construction and optimization of Navy and Marine Corps vessels.

The MAMBO boat is painted in snapper rocks blue color. Image via Moi Composites.
The MAMBO is painted in snapper rocks blue color. Image via Moi Composites.


在MOI复合材料的领导下,该项目将来自自动化,复合材料和航海行业的专家汇集在一起​​,包括Autodesk,,,,Catmarine,,,,Confindustria Nautica,,,,Mercury Marine,Micad,Osculati,,,,andOwen’s Corning

3D印刷船跨越6.5米乘2.5米,重约800千克,并拥有导航系统和115 cv发动机。Mambo的船体形成基于桑尼·李维(Sonny Levi)的著名Arcidiavolo设计

Utilizing the CFM process, sections of the boat were 3D printed using two KUKA Quantec High Accuracy robots at Moi’s Milan headquarters and Autodesk’sAdvanced Manufacturing Facility (AMF)in Birmingham, U.K. The robotic machines deposited continuous fibers infused with thermosetting resin to create the fiber-reinforced parts, which exhibited similar mechanical characteristics to that of unidirectional fiberglass. Once printed, the parts were joined together and laminated to produce a one-piece sandwich structure.

In total, the design and printing process lasted two months. Since its conception, MAMBO has won the special award in yachting from摩纳哥游艇集群的董事会,并获得了观众选择奖2020 Mark Challenge

Parts of the MAMBO were printed using two KUKA Quantec High Accuracy robots. Image via Moi Composites.

提名2020 3D Printing Industry Awards仍然开放,让我们知道谁在领导该行业。

第四版3D Printing Industry Awards Trophy Design Competition现在正在进行。输入您的设计,有机会赢得CraftBot Flow 3D打印机。

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Featured image shows Moi Composite’s MAMBO fiberglass boat to be showcased at the 2020 Genoa Boat Show. Image via Moi Composites.