

3D printing in full-color is one of the most sought after developments in the 3D printing industry – if you can do it on paper, why not in 3D? If only things were so simple. A new patent from Taiwan’sXYZprintingDa Vinci系列3D打印机的制造商描述了一种在3D打印过程中用粉末状材料喷涂颜色雷电竞app下载的方法。

Related art schematic of the powder bed 3D printer.
Related art schematic of the powder bed 3D printer.

Jetting of color

在Xyzprinting的当前系列中,DA Vinci系列涵盖了融合细丝制造(FFF)3D打印。Da Vinci Jr. 2.0混合,预览at CES 2017, is capable of mixing two colors of PLA to create vibrant 3D prints.

来自Da Vinci Jr. 2.0混音的色彩丰富的3D印刷品
来自Da Vinci Jr. 2.0混音的色彩丰富的3D印刷品


The patent, published in February 2017, covers a first for the company in powder-bed fusion. The document details a three part process for ink jetting color into a 3D print.

Quality assurance

In practice, a layer is sintered from powdered materials. Ink is then jetted onto the layer to change the color, and an adhesive is added to ensure binding of the substances.


After a 3D model is sliced, XYZprinting’s technology will create a color image and an adhesive image for each layer of the object. In the second step, color ink and adhesive levels are adjusted to ensure the correct balance. Finally, an overall image of the finished 3D print is generated taking these adjustments into account.

Schematic of the process.
Schematic of the process.

According to the document,




In February 2017, California’s Made in Space 3D printing program published a用于组装航天器和卫星的雷电竞充值添加剂制造设备的专利。In a high profile story from the beginning of March 2017,Ultimaker还为Ultimaker 3的床位系统提供了首次防御专利。


Don’t forget you can立即在第一个年度3D印刷行业奖中投票.

特色图像显示3D打印在Da Vinci Jr.上的两种颜色通过XYZPRINTING.COM混合2.0图像

All images featured in this article via XYZprinting