Medical & Dental

3 d打印模型对机器人帮助确保成功spinal surgery

使用3D印刷模型,法国外科医生在受脊柱侧弯影响的儿童的脊柱上进行了世界上第一个机器人引导的微创手术。FrançoisDorersen博士,Richard Gouron教授和Michel Lefranc博士以及来自Amiens-Picardie University Hospital的麻醉师在Med Tech的Rosa Robot的帮助下进行了操作,以对齐并指导外科医生。

To prepare the procedure, and be as accurate as possible, the surgeons trained for the surgery on a 3D printed model of the patient. Using this model, the surgeons were able to perfect the timing of the surgery, and procedural practice for working with the ROSA robot.

对手术的注射阶段进行的3D模拟,外科医生需要3D模型准备。通过Med Tech图像。


在面试中古隆说that the operation was both “a first in simulation, and a first in the surgical installation of sacroilliac (lower spine to pelvis) screws using a robot.”

尽管脊柱模型已经开发and 3D printed as an aid for surgeons, this is the first time an entire 3D printed model of a patient’s body, simulating skin, muscle and bone to scale has that been recreated.


该手术中使用的Rosa手术机器人。通过Med Tech图像。

A world’s first procedure


To keep the surgery minimally invasive, incisions were made along the back using the model as a guide, where the robot then drilled into the bone. Thanks to the preparations made using the 3D printed model, the rods were pre-aligned in the correct position.

A trailblazing operation


Robots and 3D printed components are also being used in minimally invasive andcomplex dental operations, under the close supervision of surgeons and anaesthetists.

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Featured image shows surgeons operating on a model. Photo via