3D Printing News Digest





有关12月杰出发展的更多信息,包括Molyworks,SLM解决方案,Autodesk,桌面金属,快速半径,Hermeus,Boom Supersonic,GE Addverive,Claudius Regaud Institute,Sculpteo和Essentium。

2022 3D印刷行业奖徽标。
2022 3D印刷行业奖徽标。


One of the highlights of December was the return of our annual awards ceremony. Held this year in a digital format, the2022 3D Printing Industry AwardsSaw AM领导人和企业因其工作推动3D打印而被认可的企业。公认的人之一是Matt Stultz,他的社区经理Prusa 3d,赢得了年度社区倡导者。


Elsewhere,MolyWorks赢得了增材制造奖的可持续性,而雷电竞充值SLM解决方案被授予年度Gong的Metal Enterprise 3D打印机。后Autodesk该公司的高级产品经理Sualp Ozel被评为年度最佳奖项奖的软件工具或公司。

他补充说:“我们非常感谢你们中的许多人投票赞成我们,我们以证据表明您喜欢我们为3D打印设计,模拟和制造业所做的事情。”“在未来的几个月和几年中,依靠Fusion 360的Connected生态系统继续推动为增材制造工作流程设计的界限。”雷电竞充值

有兴趣了解更多有关谁赢的信息吗?你可以在这里访问2022 3D印刷行业奖的完整结果.

Boom Supersonic Overture客机。通过繁荣的超音速图像。
Boom Supersonic Overture客机。通过繁荣的超音速图像。

High-speed aerospace AM accelerates

就行业趋势而言,持续到12月的趋势之一是3D印刷在高速速度应用中的受欢迎程度日益普及。在这个月中,有发现Boom Supersonic is working with GE Additive在即将推出的“序曲”飞机的新“交响乐”引擎上。从那时起,就可以就在构建中使用3D打印的潜在机会进行咨询。

At赫尔姆斯,该公司的部分3D打印Chimera Engine通过了新的高音测试里程碑. During testing, the propulsion system proved capable of repeatedly transitioning from a turbojet mode designed for launch into a high-Mach speed ramjet mode. Once ready, the engine will power the company’sQuarterhorse hypersonic aircraft.

在高速军事应用中,还揭示了3D打印广泛用于制造中国战斗机。根据该月发布的报告Shenyang Aircraft Company(SAC), known as the Shenyang FC-31 stealth fighter manufacturer, has begun deploying 3D printing extensively in-house.

The patient's forearm and 3D bioprinted nose. Photo via Toulouse University Hospital.


3D打印继续蓬勃发展的另一个领域是患者特异性药物领域。在法国,克劳迪乌斯·雷戈德研究所(Claudius Regaud Institute)和图卢兹大学医院(Toulouse University Hospital)的临床医生开发了一种治疗3D生物打印鼻移植的患者的手段,该患者在她的前臂上养育。当时,该过程的成功被视为3D生物打印突破。

在五个Fraunhofer研究机构中,研究人员使用AI开发了3D印刷的患者特异性手指关节植入物。作为“ FingerKit”项目的一部分,该团队开发了一个自动植入的设计过程,其中部署了AI以将2D X射线图像转换为3D指模型。

使用其工作流程,据说可以纠正任何手指定位问题,并创建平滑,无摩擦的植入物,并减少后处理需求。Fraunhofer IAPT的AM过程资格部负责人Philipp Imgrund博士解释说,该过程使他们“以更有效地成长为骨骼的方式来构造轴的表面”。

A Production System manufacturing facility. Photo via Desktop Metal.
桌面金属’s Production System. Photo via Desktop Metal.

Early signs of a financial recovery?

While there’s no hiding from the fact that 2022 was a difficult financial year for some in the 3D printing industry, there were some encouraging signs on show in December.桌面金属’s $9 million automotive OEM orderdemonstrated that demand for its technology remains strong, particularly as a tool for mass manufacturing powertrain components.

Given that桌面金属laid off 12% of its workforceearlier in the year, the deal also represented a promising step for the firm, which has announced over $100 million in efficiencies as part of its plans to become profitable.



Aiming to predict 3D printing’s future

So, where is the 3D printing industry headed next? As usual, in 2022, there was no shortage of reports seeking to project where this might be, and December saw the results of a few being published. Sculpteo’s State of 3D Printing Report found that manufacturers are increasingly seeking ways to improve their processes’ sustainability, with 63% of those surveyed looking for ways to reuse scrap.



Stay tuned for our annual series of articles where experts tell us the future of 3D printing in 2023. Want to review last year’s predictions? Catch up here:2022 Future of 3D Printing.


2021: 3D Printing Industry review of trends and news


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Featured image shows the 2022 3D Printing Industry Awards logo.
