
Apple Files Patent Application for Full-Color 3D Printing

苹果是技术领域的发光,神秘的盒子,每当他们提交专利申请时,人们都会注意到。那时他们提交了专利申请液态金属3D打印当他们提交3D打印申请时,这是事实conductive inks onto 3D objects。而且,既然计算机巨头已经为全彩3D打印机提交了一份,那么世界再次变得无聊。


该申请于2015年12月3日发布,标题为“Method And Apparatus For Three Dimensional Printing Of Colored Objects,,,,” and, in it, a mechanism is described that relies on two printhaeds, one that deposits a printable material and another that colors that material either after its printed or during the printing process. This second head could be in the form of an articulated or robotic arm, a rotatable nozzle, or just a parallel printhead and the coloring material is described as either ink or paint.

This solution would be just one of many working to bring full-color 3D printing to the world of FFF/FDM, which sees companies likeSpectrom dying ink as it enters the extruder,,,,reprap.me在挤出机内切换丝和智利发明家Andres Bienzobas从事各种技术用于更改微观的颜色。然后,总是同时使用一堆不同的彩色丝ORD系统与他们的Rova 3D打印机一起使用

当然,苹果等公司文件,并申请专利ations all of the time – see the two I mentioned at the top, for instance. We still haven’t seen a liquid metal 3D printer from the company… yet? If they were to release a full-color 3D printer, though, the world of desktop 3D printing would be given even more cred as Apple is famous for making new technologies user-friendly and accessible. When they come out with a 3D printer, there’s a good chance that it will work well without a hitch. If they happen to come out with some 3D scanning and AR tech, as some acquisitions and hires suggest, then they would surely dominate the mixed reality space as the 3MF Consortium means to do.


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