
航空3D打印创新已在2022 Farnborough Airshow起飞

来自世界各地的制造商和承包商借此机会证明了基于3D印刷的创新在本周的航空航天领域还很好Farnborough International Airshow(FIA)。

尽管英国在创纪录的温度高达104f的温度下发疯(40oC), global aerospace firms have descended on the town of Farnborough to showcase their latest technological achievements. Due to COVID-19, the event marks the first FIA in four years. As such, the show has acted as a meeting place for those in aviation, space, and defense to reconnect and establish cross-industry partnerships.

也就是说,今年的国际汽联不仅与数百万美元的商业交易有关。它还看到了Meld,GKN航空航天,Burloak Technologies,Skyrora等方面的尖端3D打印进步。在此类案件中,MELD首席执行官Nanci Hardwick告诉3D印刷行业的Paul Hanaphy,后者在本周初参加了该活动,他的公司如何使用3D打印来满足美国国防需求。


“If we can create a monolithic structure with forged properties like MELD is capable of printing, then we increase warfighter safety.”

Farnborough International Airshow展出的F-16C战斗机。Paul Hanaphy的照片。
Farnborough International Airshow展出的F-16C战斗机。Paul Hanaphy的照片。

MELD 3D printing called into action




以及通过将其技术拟合到10 x 6.5 x 4米的构建量来促进整体印刷品的创建Ingersoll机床系统的系统美国军队, Hardwick adds that the firm’s technology has extensive repair application potential.


Meld Manufacturing的加性摩擦搅拌沉积技术行动。GIF通过融合制造。
融合制造’s solid-state 3D printing technology in action. Gif via MELD Manufacturing.


虽然MELD主要专注于其3D打印产品的开发,但GKN航空航天主要在航空航天领域运作。However, not wishing to miss out on the technology’s potential in the sector, the firm continues to contribute to many related R&D programs, which revolve around laser metal deposition by wire (LMD-w) or powder-based directed-energy deposition (DED) 3D printing.

Speaking to 3D Printing Industry at FIA 2022, Henrik Runnemalm VP of the firm’s Swedish Global Technology Centre, explained that since the early-2000s, it has been successful in adopting both technologies, with parts produced via the processes “out there flying today,” but it “continues to push the limit.”

GKN Aerospace试图这样做的一种方式是,作为美国,英国和瑞典计划的一部分,以磨练DED的不同技术要素,从控制系统到数据获取。Runnemalm表示,该公司旨在建立一个投资组合,使其能够实现“将认证产品推向市场的圣杯”。


GKN航空航天涡轮机后结构,带有3D打印的“ H部门”。Paul Hanaphy的照片。
A GKN Aerospace turbine rear structure with 3D printed ‘H sectors.’ Photo by Paul Hanaphy.

Skyroraand Burloak reach for the stars

与此同时,在国际汽联的太空区域,总部位于英国的火箭制造商Skyrora在宣布其在苏格兰的新发动机测试设施的几天后展出。在节目中,该公司的商业传播官Nickie Finnegan解释了为什么它选择开发其Skyprint 2 3D打印机,并将其部署在构建中Skyrora XLrocket在那里组装。

“We did so for a few reasons,” said Finnegan. “We have sustainability as one of our core objectives. So it uses a lot less resources when produced through additive manufacturing, and we can also localize our supply chain by having that 3D printer on-site. Which is also good for economic purposes. As far as the actual design of the vehicles go, the materials we use are a lot more efficient in terms of weight.”

“We’re looking to reuse components in the future and we’re trying to find materials that are more robust to water, so there’s quite a few reasons for us using additive manufacturing.”

在活动的其他地方,加拿大生产服务提供商Burloak Technologies也很乐意在高级空间空间组件的背景下谈论3D打印。在2020年期间,该公司透露它已与麦克唐纳,detwiler and Associates(MDA)开发耐用的3D打印卫星零件,通过其激光粉床融合,电子束和DED机器的机队。

In an interview with 3D Printing Industry, Burloak Technologies’ VP and GM Jason Ball, provided a deep-dive into how adopting 3D printing in such builds helps clients realize lightweighting and part consolidation opportunities.

“你可以采取传统的机器零件d and make them significantly lighter, which really helps in aerospace,” elaborated Ball. “You can join parts together in the assembly process, you print them all in one part. We can also use exotic materials such as Invar, a thermally-stable material, to produce optical components for satellites. So there are a lot of niche things we can do to help customers out.”


Boom Supersonic的新序曲设计。通过繁荣的超音速图像。
Boom Supersonic的新序曲设计。通过繁荣的超音速图像。


最后,在民航中,宣布Pratt & Whitney已经安装了velo3d蓝宝石在FIA 2022的前进中3D打印的Turbofan发动机零件与GKN航空航天一起,并与Norsk Titanium3D打印一个整体叶片的转子

Ahead of the event, the company’s CEO Benny Buller said that he was eager to see how Pratt & Whitney “innovates its most mission-critical designs,” and “how the economies of scale of an in-house system help increase addressable use-cases.”

在国际汽联2022年的第二天,Boom Supersonic还推出了即将推出的序曲超音速商业客机的改版设计。经过2600万小时的模拟软件设计,五次风洞测试和51次迭代,修订后的飞机现在采用轮廓的机身和海鸥翅膀,旨在提高其阻力和燃油效率以及其亚音速和跨语音处理。

At the company’s press conference, its CEO Blake Scholl suggested that “state of the art technologies” were used to develop “every component and every system” in the new Overture, without specifying what these were. However, given that the craft’sXB-1演示器包括21个3D打印零件,这些设计的变化也涉及一定层次的技术。

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特色图像显示了Farnborough International Airshow展出的F-16C战斗机。Paul Hanaphy的照片。