奥本大学(Auburn University

奥本大学(Auburn University)授予430万美元,以帮助美国陆军建立未来的战斗准备

TheNational Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence(ncame)在Auburn University已从US Armyto help build the future of US combat readiness.

With the grant, NCAME will initiate a two-year project with the goal of furthering the adoption of 3D printing within Army operations, focusing on materials, parts, and process qualification.

Nima Shamsaei表示:“物质变化是我所说的添加剂制造的'致命脚跟'。”雷电竞充值“它可以使制造材料和零件具有挑战性的资格和认证。”

Left to right: Co-principal investigators professors Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Shuai Shao, Nima Shamsaei and Elham Mirkoohi. Photo via Auburn University.
Left to right: Co-principal investigators professors Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Shuai Shao, Nima Shamsaei and Elham Mirkoohi. Photo via Auburn University.

Additive manufacturing at NCAME

Since its inception in 2017, Auburn University’s NCAME has been involved in numerous projects to advance the adoption of AM in critical sectors such as defense and aerospace. The center is also one of the founding partners of theASTM国际添加剂制造业卓越中心雷电竞充值(ASTM AM COE)旨在减少3D打印标准的差距和劳动力差距。

以前,该中心已获得520万美元的合同NASAto helpimprove the performance of liquid rocket enginesthrough 3D printing, and has alsodesigned an X-ray CT scanner对于3D印刷任务 - 关键航空航天组件的非破坏性测试。

2020年,Ncame从美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)探索生产商用飞机的3D打印金属组件. Over the course of the project, the NCAME engineers have been exploring 3D printing processes and materials to fine-tune the parameters required to print end-use parts for the aviation sector.

防抱死制动系统成像的3 d渲染by the X-ray CT system. Red and green planes represent slices and sections from different viewpoints used to observes the part's internal structure. Photo via Auburn University
防抱死制动系统成像的3 d渲染by the X-ray CT system. Photo via Auburn University.



Integral to this vision is ensuring the consistency and transferability of process output among numerous 3D printing systems, which the NCAME team hopes to achieve through artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques.

NCAME的联合主要调查员兼助理机械工程教授Elham Mirkoohi表示:“机器学习将帮助我们建立结构性的关系,这在平台之间可以在某种程度上转移。”


From the US Army’s point of view, the project with NCAME will be crucial to further integrate additive manufacturing into its modernization and sustainment efforts.

美国陆军坦克 - 自动运动和军备指挥官(TACOM)指挥官达伦·沃纳(Darren Werner)少将说:“在奥本(Auburn)进行的研究对陆军很重要,因雷电竞充值为增材制造业将提供两种不同的能力。”

“It’s going to give us capability in our organic industrial base to integrate advanced manufacturing techniques, and it’s also going to provide deployability of advanced manufacturing that we can potentially move into a forward location to produce and repair parts for our combat systems.”





例如,Senvol已收到合同将其ML软件应用于3D打印导弹零件的设计和资格, 尽管一般格子已签订合同以改善使用军队的战斗头盔的影响3D printing and advanced lattice geometries.

其他项目涉及利用增材制造到雷电竞充值advance research into hypersonic flight,启用on-demand spare part production in the field, 和improving the reliability of metal 3D printing processesfor defense applications.

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特色图片显示left to right: Co-principal investigators professors Masoud Mahjouri-Samani, Shuai Shao, Nima Shamsaei and Elham Mirkoohi. Photo via Auburn University.