

Jabil Inc.(NYSE:JBL)与卡夫体育制作定制的,按订购的骑自行车头盔,更舒适,更安全。这些头盔将使用定制的材料和添加剂制造制成。雷电竞充值Kav Portola头盔被《时代》杂志命名为“ 2022年最伟大的创新”之一,它是由Jabil开发的专有尼龙碳纤维材料制成的,旨在实现严格的性能和美学标准。

Kav Sports的创始人兼首席执行官Whitman Kwok表示,该项目的目的是挽救生命。Kav Sports希望设计一个人想戴的更合适的头盔。为了使客户享受定制的好处,KAV必须克服材料和生产限制。“贾比尔(Jabil)通过工程设计了一种符合严格条件的定制材料,将其击倒了公园,可以使用3D打印制造,以创造出对头盔行业真正独特且与众不同的东西,” Kwok说。

KAV Sports 3D打印自行车头盔。通过Jabil的照片。
KAV Sports 3D打印自行车头盔。通过Jabil的照片。

Developing the Ideal Fit



KAV enlisted Jabil’s assistance in developing a material that was rigid and durable yet flexible enough to withstand both high and low temperatures. In addition to being better at absorbing energy, the material needed better adhesion between its layers for consistent performance and a more pleasing look. In less than nine months, a group of additive manufacturing engineers, chemists, materials scientists, and production specialists at Jabil’s Materials Innovation Center in Minnesota came up with a brand-new, custom material that met all of KAV’s needs.

Putting Polymer Science First

为了达到此基准,Jabil在其质量管理系统方面实现了材料制定,复合开发,材料系统集成以及ISO 9001认证方面的广泛进步。

Matt Torosian, Jabil’s head of product management for additive manufacturing, explains, “We take a polymer science approach to developing additive materials. Jabil engineers materials that work with additive manufacturing processes in a repeatable manner to meet customer requirements and manufacture top-quality products.”

Jabil and KAV developed and tested up to thirty iterations of bespoke polymer formulas and compounds prior to establishing a proprietary nylon-carbon-fiber composite with all the required qualities. Jabil’s experience in materials processing, testing, and scalability were helpful in creating the polymer, compounding the final filament, and achieving ISO 9001 quality management system certification.

Then, KAV did the tests required by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to get certification that it was safe. When KAV introduced the Portola helmet with the new material in April 2022, the firm claimed that the device not only satisfied but also exceeded by more than 25 percent the U.S. CPSC safety criteria for impact resistance.


KAV’s own material comes in grey, black, and white, giving customers a lot of choices. Made-to-order helmets can be delivered in two to three weeks thanks to a simple custom-fitting process and 3D printing. These unique, energy-absorbing structures could not be manufactured using conventional techniques. Moreover, additive manufacturing helps KAV Sports cut production costs and waste.


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Featured image shows the KAV Sports 3D printed cycling helmet. Photo via Jabil.
