

A team of researchers fromTampere University, Finland, has experimented with a new method of nasal surgery preparation using 3D printing. With the aim of determining whether or not 3D printing could realistically replicate the anatomy of a nasal cavity and the airflow through it, the team took to scanning and printing a set of internal nasal channels. Extensive analysis of the prints has shown that perhaps the technology could be used as a faster, lower-cost method ofrhinomanometry evaluation.

Surgical planning


但是,根据研究人员的说法,尚未将3D打印用于内部鼻腔通道的建模。他们将其归因于鼻子的相对复杂性,因此很难保持精度,这是检查像气流一样敏感的东西时的关键。取而代之的是,鼻子的3D模型传统上倾向于以硅酮为单位,并用粒子图像速度计(PIV)和计算流体动力学(CFD)用作技术分析工具。不幸的是,生产和分析这些模型是一个缓慢,费力且通常是昂贵的过程 - 3D打印希望替换。

Taking measurements of a patient and the corresponding PLA model. Image via Tampere University.
Taking measurements of a patient and the corresponding PLA model. Image via Tampere University.

3D printed nasal channels

该团队首先对五名慢性鼻塞患者进行锥束计算机断层扫描(CBCT)扫描。与常规CT扫描相比,CBCT因其相对较低的辐射剂量而选择。使用扫描数据转换为3D可打印格式MATLAB, which was then prepared and sliced usingSlic3r. To maintain dimensional precision where possible, supports were omitted and all printing was done on aLulzbot Taz 43D printer with PLA.


最后,将印刷零件的气流电阻与患者鼻子的气流阻力进行了比较。这是使用称为Rhinomanomer的乐器完成的 - 一种专门为该目的而构建的设备。在患者上使用它很简单,但是印刷的零件需要一些DIY的创造力,因此研究人员将管子连接到印刷品的背面,而对方则最终将自己的鼻子固定在科学上。两组的电阻值相似,团队得出的结论是,他们以前看不见的3D打印鼻通道的方法在临床使用方面表现出了巨大的希望。

The CBCT scan of a patient and the corresponding PLA model with rhinomanometry measurements. Image via Tampere University.
The CBCT scan of a patient and the corresponding PLA model with rhinomanometry measurements. Image via Tampere University.

该研究的更多细节可以在标题为“”的论文中找到用于临床实验的鼻腔的三维印刷’. It is co-authored byOlli Valtonen,Jaakko Ormiskangas,IlkkaKivekäs,Ville Rantanen,Marc Dean,Dennis Poe,JormaJärnstedt,Jukka Lekkala,Pentti Saarenrinne和Markus Rautiainen。

The 3D printing of medical models extends beyond academia. Digital manufacturing service provider快速半径Axial3D是一家位于英国的医疗技术公司,最近宣布new ‘DICOM-to-print’ service针对北美各地的外科医生和医院。二人计划通过提供微精确的患者特定解剖模型来改善手术计划。

在昆士兰州的其他地方,研究人员发布了study that challenges the suitability of FDM用于产生解剖重建。该小组声称,复制品中的不准确和缺陷可能通过次级治疗计划对患者造成伤害,并希望通过其工作来优化该过程。

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