3DP Applications

FIT Additive Manufacturing Group teams up to save the reefs

Boston Ceramics,成员FIT Additive Manufacturing Group,已发布了使用3D打印的计划的更新,以帮助拯救世界的珊瑚礁。

基于国际非营利组织对珊瑚的行为和繁殖的几年研究国际国际, Boston Ceramics is helping to provide objects that serve as the perfect shelter for fledgling coral spores.

卡尔·弗鲁斯(Carl Fruth), founder and CEO of FIT Additive Manufacturing Group, comments,

“We are really proud to be part of the SECORE project to save the corals. The artificial coral pieces are a fantastic practical application of 3D printed ceramics, and the success of the campaign will be of immeasurable value to the ecosystem of the coral reefs and entire oceans.”


Founded in 2002 at鹿特丹动物园,Secore探索了一种基于性珊瑚繁殖的珊瑚礁保护的替代方法。


To help the sexually-reproduced larvae along, SECORE requires specially made structures to serve as the foundations for their growth. It also helps if the structures看起来和表现就像他们的天然对手,即带有缝隙,凹槽和孔的白色或粉红色健康的礁石。

Secore团队讨论了种子单元的可能设计。通过Secore International的照片
Secore团队讨论了种子单元的可能设计。通过Secore International的照片

Aric Bickel, SECORE’s Project and Workshop Manager explains the proccess: “One of the ways SECORE is aiming to reduce the costs of restoration is by designing substrates for corals to settle on that do not need to be manually attached to the reef, but rather can be sown, similar to how a farmer would sow seeds in a field,”



Withaward winningsoftware companyAutodesk和旧金山设计公司Emerging Objects, the SECORE team created the perfect pseudo-coral design: star-like with multiple prongs, nodules and indents. To make these at scale, the team then enlisted the help of Boston Ceramics.

Multiple 3D printed seeding unit designs. Photo via SECORE International
Multiple 3D printed seeding unit designs. Photo via SECORE International

Boston Ceramics employs avoxeljetVX 4000粘合剂喷气机3D打印机,构建大小为4 x 2 x 1 m,一批播种单元一次。弗鲁斯解释说:“每个部分都是与其生产的复杂性有关的小杰作,并且通过使用音量添加剂制造,即使是如此精致的形式也可以大量提供。”雷电竞充值

2018年6月,SECORE开始首次现场试验of the ceramic 3D printed seeding units, and preliminary result are expected to come in 2019.

在其他新闻中,FIT最近确认了其新日语的推出子公司适合日本KK并投资了4个新EOS metal additive manufacturing systems

A packed bed of Boston Ceramics 3D printed seeding units. Photo via SECORE International
A packed bed of Boston Ceramics 3D printed seeding units. Photo via SECORE International

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特色图像显示了一个3D打印的单元,吸引了海床上的生活。ValérieMamberland/Secore International摄影