
弗劳恩霍夫科学家推出新的“融合工厂”metal filament 3D printing

Fraunhofer制造技术和高级材料研究所(IFAM) in Dresden has launched a new additive manufacturing facility.

这Fusion Factory, developed by industrial equipment supplierXerion Berlin Laboratories, is intended as a miniaturized production line for the FFF printing of metallic and ceramic parts. IFAM hopes the new equipment will “strengthen its competence” as an industrial and research partner.

德累斯顿的Fraunhofer IFAM大楼。通过Fraunhofer IFAM摄影。
德累斯顿的Fraunhofer IFAM大楼。通过Fraunhofer IFAM摄影。


这Institute already has expertise in a number of additive manufacturing processes and materials. The Fusion Factory is specifically designed for 3D printing with metal powder-infused filaments, although other powder additives are also compatible. Metal FFF is described as a particularly resource-efficient technology, whereby there is no loose powder left at the end of a build, unlike processes such as powder bed fusion.

为了巩固与金属丝成功打印所需的所有步骤,融合工厂具有三个不同的模块。第一个模块是打印机本身,第二个模块是扣除键,最终模块是致密单元。一旦打印出零件,就处于其“绿色状态”,需要进一步处理以改善其机械性能。脱钉单元首先驱除所有非金属的多余材料 - 聚合物基质和任何可能存在的结合剂。然后,致密单元提供了最终的热处理,以产生纯粹的金属(或陶瓷)完全致密的部分。


这Fusion Factory at Fraunhofer IFAM. Photo via Fraunhofer IFAM.
这Fusion Factory at Fraunhofer IFAM. Photo via Fraunhofer IFAM.

Supporting research and project partners

除了进行IFAM计划的材料和过程研究外,该研究所还将使用Fusion Factory来支持项目合作伙伴过渡到金属3D打印。该设施现在是IFAM的一部分创新中心添加剂制造雷电竞充值(ICAM), meaning it is in the ranks of other additive technologies such as EBM and 3D stencil printing – all of which are available for consultation and project implementation.


Fraunhofer研究组织是一个广泛的组织,其中有多个部门涵盖了技术和工程的各个方面。本月初,弗劳恩霍夫(Fraunhofer)Institute for Laser TechnologyMax-Planck-Institute for Iron Research开始调查复合材料的3D打印不太不同而不是大马士革钢. Using ILT’s own laser material deposition process, the researchers intend to emulate the metal’s microstructural characteristics without the need for any traditional forging equipment.

Earlier, in July, the土耳其救主制造商BILSING自动化还宣布使用Iltlaser material deposition processto produce a number of its proprietary products, including handling devices and forming tools. The company has also previously worked with ILT to produce Ti64 aircraft components for土耳其航空公司, specifically repairing the O-rings found in landing gear.

第四届年度3D印刷行业奖将于2020年11月举行,我们需要奖杯。有机会赢得全新CraftBot Flow IDEX XL3D打印机,在此处输入Myminifactory奖杯设计比赛. We’re happy to accept submissions until the 30th of September 2020.


寻找添加剂制造业的职业?雷电竞充值访问3D打印作业for a selection of roles in the industry.

Featured image shows the Fusion Factory at Fraunhofer IFAM. Photo via Fraunhofer IFAM.