3D Printing

Fuel3D — A Remarkable Handheld, Hi-Res, Colour 3D Scanner On KS

With the strap line “Fire up your creativity!” it seemsFuel3D,新的经济适用3D扫描仪背后的公司已经在那里,并鼓励我们加入他们。

The company launched its Kickstarter campaign late last week in a bid to fund production of the Fuel3D handheld scanner and it seems they have pitched it rather well because the $75k target has already been exceeded, and then some. At time of writing pledges total $166,408, with 26 days still to go.

Fuel3D Scanner


With the earliest development phases of the technology that has evolved towards the Fuel3D scanner dating back to 2005, out of Oxford University, there is an unstated guarantee that this product has not just been thrown together and flung up on Kickstarter on the back of the overt attention that the 3D design/scanning/printing industry is getting.


So what is Fuel3D offering?


The image below depicts 3D scans that were taken with the current functional prototype of Fuel3D.

Fuel 3D Scanning

With the fully functional prototype established and working, the Kickstarter campaign has been launched to enable the final engineering work and to further develop the software to make access to the high quality 3D data as easy as possible.

第一批次批次的交付日期定于2014年5月提前投标。此外,Fuel3D至关重要地意识到与低成本高质量3D打印机的协同作用,并指出他们目前正在与两者进行对话雷电竞app下载formlabsand Pirate3D regarding future technical and commercial collaborations.
