
[访谈] 3D Sierra Leone:使用3D打印来推进医疗保健

This year the3D印刷行业奖will use money raised from our annual event to make a donation to charity. Ahead of the live event next week, I asked Merel van der Stelt from3d塞拉利昂to tell us more about how the project works and how 3D printing can be used to change lives in the West African country.

使用3D打印生产。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片
使用3D打印生产。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片

3DPI:请告诉我您的背景以及您如何参与3D Sierra Leone?

Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:Since 2018, I’m involved as project leader. After a successful short internship and 1-year graduation internship, I obtained a PhD position at RadboudUMC, supported by the Board of Directors of the Radboud UMC. In recent years, 40 students have been involved by doing internships at the University of Twente, the University of Delft, and the College of Arnhem and Nijmegen. With these students from different educational institutions, we set up a disciplinary team. Meanwhile, several departments of these universities and the RadboudUMC are involved, including the department of rehabilitation, the Orthopedic Research Lab, the 3D Lab of the RadboudUMC, and the prosthetic clinic: Papenburg Orthopedic. Using these collaborations, we have most of the required technical support in our team. With the help of this group of people, we have been able to make great improvements in the development of prostheses and the professionalization of the 3D lab at Masanga Hospital in Sierra Leone.

该过程的3D扫描阶段。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片
该过程的3D扫描阶段。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片

3DPI:3D Sierra Leone正在应对的问题是什么?

Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:l中的人工服务非常有限ow- and middle-income countries. Facilities to produce prostheses are not within reach or too expensive. Current manual workflows are highly dependent on the prosthetist’s experience and skills, implying difficulty in quality assurance, standardization, and scalability.



The overall aim is to enable the local employees to produce prostheses independently. Simple digital automated workflows, using Artificial Intelligence based socket prediction, could offer a solution to improve prosthetic fitting in underserved regions worldwide.

设计假体。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片
设计假体。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片


Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:最大的挑战之一是使该项目的可持续发展。我们的最终目标是,当地员工将能够独立制造假肢。为此,我们正在开发新软件,该软件将启用非常简单的生产工作流程。另一个挑战是,我们希望使假肢尽可能便宜。现在,较低的假体的价格约为90美元。这似乎不是很多钱,但是塞拉利昂的大多数人负担不起这笔钱。因此,筹集足够的资金为这些人提供假体是一个挑战。因此,在短期内,我们依靠捐赠。

我们打算创建不同版本的3D Pro流,复杂性变量,因此适合所有国家。3D Pro流可以根据收入出售给国家。我们希望这可以导致一个自我维持的非营利项目,富裕国家可以为贫困国家的假肢做出贡献。

完成的3 d打印假体使用。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片
完成的3 d打印假体使用。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片


Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:影响测量:(1)第一个可衡量的目标是,每年在Masanga医院进行截肢的70人都可以确保由当地员工独立进行假体。(2)如果2023年成功介绍,我们打算在移动研讨会上进行扩展,以便为偏远地区提供假肢护理。(3)同时,我们将与其他LMIC的其他合作伙伴联系,以扩大该项目的规模。这将导致建立更多的研讨会,并可能与大型组织(例如红十字会和无国界的医生)进行合作。这些非政府组织在全球范围内可以使用自动化的简化生产过程和3D打印假体的基础架构。(4)我们所有的科学工作和临床结果均在国际同行评审的科学期刊上发表。(5)残疾人将在可能的情况下积极用作劳动力。为了确保项目的可伸缩性,我们与塞拉利昂的康复部密切合作。

3DPI: How do you view the utility of 3D printing as a tool within developing countries?

Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:3D打印不一定具有巨大的优势,除了生产更快,因此更便宜。最大的优点是我们现在可以数字化进行生产过程。这有可能使整个生产过程自动化和标准化,使对计算机和假肢知识有限的人能够制造廉价的假肢



Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:如果人们想向项目捐款以支付材料和工具成本,那将是很大的帮助。对于90美元,我们可以使用3D打印插座进行腿部假体。通过这笔捐款,您可以完全改变某人的生活。我们还使用捐款来培训和教育我们的员工和学生学习假肢或物理疗法的学生。


3DPI: Anything else you would like to add?

Merel Van der Stelt,3d Sierra Leone:There is a paucity of prostheses in LMICs due to a lack of materials, trained personnel, and high cost. With sustained prosthetic services, countless people can gain access back to societal participation and lead productive lives. This is what we are going to change profoundly with our project.

3D technology can contribute to improving the quality and scalability of prosthetics in LMICs. The purpose of providing 3D printed prostheses is to empower people with limited knowledge of both prosthetics and IT to independently produce prostheses. In this way, the rate and amount of successful prosthetic fitting will increase. We aim to improve the health and quality of life in remote and underserved regions worldwide.

The conformation about the importance and uniqueness of our project was demonstrated last year at the World Health Organization film festival, where our project won 1st prize in the innovation category.

3D印刷行业很荣幸能支持3D Sierra Leone,并很高兴地报告说,当我们宣布这一消息时,该消息受到该行业中其他人的好评。一家加入的公司是3D打印丝制造商Polymaker。

Luke Taylor, Marketing Manager,聚合物解释了为什么他们参与其中:“在3D打印的众多应用程序中,没有能力像3D印刷假肢那样丰富某人的生活。3D塞拉利昂(Sierra Leone)在现场出现,与传统的供应链失去联系,并使用桌面3D打印套件创建了高度定制的假肢。我想不出一个更好的支持项目。”

If you would like to contact 3D Sierra Leone or learn more about the project, you canvisit their website here

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特色图显示了使用的3D打印假体。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片。
