
Industry 2030 releases a vision of future European industry, identifies 3D printing as essential

TheIndustry 2030 High Level Industrial Roundtable, an expert panel appointed by theEuropean Commission, has identified 3D printing as a key driver of innovation in its latest report ‘A vision for the European industry until 2030’.

In the document, various policy suggestions are made to help develop the industry over the next 11 years across three crucial areas. As the introduction of the document states, “In 2030, European industry will be a global leader that will responsibly deliver value for society, the environment and the economy.”

“The future European industrial model will successfully connect economic progress with major environmental and societal challenges.”

Five key drivers identified by the Industry 2030. Image via European Commission.
Five key drivers identified by the Industry 2030. Image via European Commission.

The coming digitalization

该行业2030年圆桌会议是由欧洲委员会于2017年任命的。2030年工业委员会的目的是担任欧洲联盟未来的独立政策顾问。该小组由来自企业,工会,金融,学术界以及创新和研究小组的二十名专家组成。成员包括萨里·杜布格(Saori Dubourg),BASF‘s Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Dochul Choi ofSamsung Electronics, and Director ofTUM Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Sami Haddadin, among others.

Asartificial intelligence,automation, and digitalization are rapidly transforming the manufacturing and services industry, the commission recommends specific policy actions for better adaptation and transformation towards a new economy.

根据最新报告,欧洲”将投资heavily in cutting-edge and breakthrough technologies, respect planetary boundaries and biodiversity, take leadership in smart European and global alliances, reinforce our global competitiveness and, last but not least, invest in current and future generations by addressing key societal challenges, providing innovative jobs in all regions and investing in new skills.”


The Digital Economy and Society Index, a measure of digital performance of EU member states. Image via European Commission.
The Digital Economy and Society Index, a measure of digital performance of EU member states. Image via European Commission.

Circular economy

Moving towards 2030, the concerns raised in the report include areas of potential in 3D printing, such as sustainability and circular economy, access to low carbon energy resources and raw materials, and the centrality of the European Single Market.

The Industry 2030 panel stated:

“The EU will become the world-leader in addressing climate change and respecting planetary boundaries and will pave the way for global climate neutrality, leading the world away from fossil fuels.”

Among the ‘game-changing’ actions suggested by the commission are investments in moonshot technologies in sectors in which Europe already has competent research and technical resources. These technologies include advancedbiomaterials, quantum computing, multi-scale robotics, and green automation.

All such policy actions will be taken in accordance with the political and civic values of Europe. As the report affirms, “Continuously progressing and benefiting from strong democratic principles, freedom, unity in our diversity and the rule of law, by 2030, the European Union will successfully become an innovative, sustainable, competitive and human-centred collaborative economy in an increasingly populated, resource constrained and interconnected world.”

Investment in Artificial Intelligence by region. Image via McKinsey & Company.
Investment in Artificial Intelligence by region. Image via McKinsey & Company.

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Featured image shows five key drivers identified by the Industry 2030. Image via European Commission.