

Industrial parts sourcing platformMakerVerse通过与行业领导者的合作,改进的企业集成以及今年的新连续制造能力来扩大其先进的制造产品。

MakerVerse offers a platform that combines AI-powered instant quotes with a verified global supply chain. MakerVerse has now augmented its premium supply chain to include CNC. MakerVerse announced that, in addition to on-demand services, it now offers additional expertise for serial production orders. Experts will collaborate closely with clients to create, align, and oversee the whole manufacturing and quality plan from beginning to end. This level of expertise ensures consistent, repetitive quality for complex projects.

“在过去的一年中,我们的平台从扩展初创公司到跨国公司都获得了巨大的吸引力。所有这些公司的共同点都是需要快速,可靠,工业质量的部分。” Makerverse首席执行官Markus Seibold博士说。“我们期待使各种规模的公司更容易。”

Makerverse首席运营官Ward Ripmeester说:“我们已经进一步开发了供应链,现在也成功处理了最复杂的生产订单。”“我们与最好的制造合作伙伴合作,全都经过审查,为所有客户带来工业质量。”



此前,Makerverse与行业领先的企业紧密合作,提供高质量的零件。Makerverse计划在2023年扩大其产品,以这些现有的联盟与EOS,ZEISS, 和西门子。之前,EOS和Makerverse合作to create EOS’合同制造网络,将最终用户与AM生产合作伙伴联系起来。该网络由Makerverse合作伙伴集线器提供支持,使其简单可靠地订购零件。

同样,Zeiss是一家全球光学和光电技术企业,为Makerverse平台用户提供了各种表面,尺寸和材料与财产相关的评估报告。Siemens的AM Network是一个用于工业添加剂制造的数字订购平台,已与Makerverse合并。雷电竞充值此外,Makerverse打算扩大其联盟,以加快采用新制造技术。

Furthermore, MakerVerse believes that companies should be able to select from a diverse set of highly industrialized manufacturing technologies based on their use case. MakerVerse’s expansion now includes CNC machining for its customers, providing highly precise components made from various materials. Customers can select the manufacturing techniques that best meet their requirements, all from a single platform.



The MakerVerse platform will include connectors for connecting ERP systems to MakerVerse. Purchases and Requests for Quotations (RFQs) will be capable of being placed from ERP systems, making purchasing more efficient and improving coordination. MakerVerse will also offer joint company accounts for various team members to use to improve collaboration and transparency.


Makerverse描述了这一灵活性对于快速,可信的零件和复杂的生产订单对企业来说是无价的。例如,一家城市流动性创业公司Hopper Mobility与Makerverse合作,为其可持续发展的车辆准备连续生产。

“We liked that MakerVerse offered various manufacturing technologies and materials,” said Martin Halama, Managing Director, and Co-Founder at Hopper Mobility. “All these options in one platform made things very easy for us.”



Recently, UK-based 3D printer resellerEVO 3Dannounced amajor expansion它的EVO TECH 3D Robot Printing Cell线。去年引入的EVO 3D的Pellet 3D打印软件包,使用户能够实施多个机器人,挤出机和软件组合,以大规模获得最佳的吞吐量和生产。跟随其初始推出KUKA, robotic 3D printing software developerAI构建和加拿大OEM染色设计, the company has further announced two new partners:ADAXISRev3rd

EVO 3D claims the French-Swedish robotics software firm and large-scale AM start-up “were carefully chosen” to add their product lines to the firm’s already robust EVO TECH 3D Robot Printing Cell lineup.

纳米尺寸acquired12.12%的股份Stratasys公司, an Israel-based 3D printer manufacturer. Nano Dimension has established itself as a market leader in the comparative niche 3D printed electronics sector by providing machines that deposit conductive silver nanoparticles as well as dielectric polymer inks at the same time. Yoav Stern, CEO of Nano Dimension, explains, “The purpose of Nano Dimension in buying Stratasys shares is the formation of a strategic investment in a market leader that is well established in a relatively seasoned market segment.”




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Feature image shows MakerVerse leadership team. Image via MakerVerse.
