
像素新的Neri Oxman专利

Neri Oxman及其同事Dominik Kolb,James Weaver和Christoph Bader在马萨诸塞州理工学院(麻省理工学院)中介物质group已发布了多材料3D打印的专利。

该专利于2017年12月28日发布,讨论了一种翻译3D扫描的方式point-cloud data进入3D打印机的操作命令。雷电竞app下载


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Chart detailing the process described in Oxman, Kolb, Weaver and Bader’s patent. Image via FPO



从点云开始的主要好处是,数据相对“轻”,允许使用最小的处理能力可视化大型对象和区域。该技术通常用于土地保育技术,例如在Scanlab Project的意大利数字渲染中,,,,andto make an interactive exploration of museums

Point cloud data of donut. Gif via Kieff/Wikimedia Commons
甜甜圈的点云数据。GIF通过Kieff/Wikimedia Commons



To give a 3D scanned bicycle wheel as an example – the spatial data measures the length of each spoke. Point cloud data, by contrast, doesn’t measure any part of the wheel. The points are essentially meaningless, unless they are somehow connected.

Spatial data for an object is then sliced into layers comprising the overall 3D structure, and each layer is computationally divided into pixels.



在此过程中,您有一个3D对象,该对象已简化为像素。现在,您需要确定应如何填充这些像素以创建设计的对象。返回自行车轮示例 - 哪些零件是金属,哪些零件是橡胶?此外,如果一个部分是橡胶,则需要多么密集或灵活?而且,它是什么颜色?

With this information, part (d) of the patented method can be calculated. Each respective layer is given a set of binary raster files (dot matrix structures) “that encode material deposition instructions.”

如美国专利号20170368755:“无花果。3A to 3D together show steps in a method of determining a material mixing ratio for a pixel. In FIG. 3A, a spatial query is performed. In FIG. 3B, filtering is performed. In FIG. 3C, a lookup table is consulted to determine a material mixing ratio. In FIG. 3D, a material mixing ratio is assigned to a pixel.
如美国专利号20170368755: “FIGS. 3A to 3D together show steps in a method of determining a material mixing ratio for a pixel. In FIG. 3A, a spatial query is performed. In FIG. 3B, filtering is performed. In FIG. 3C, a lookup table is consulted to determine a material mixing ratio. In FIG. 3D, a material mixing ratio is assigned to a pixel.” Image via FPO





应用Stratasys J750 3D打印机的规格为示例,发明家说:“在此本机分辨率(在许多多物质3D打印机的近似范围内),3D Voxel表示大的数据量雷电竞app下载(例如,超过40 cm×30 cm×20 cm)多物质的物体通常会大大占


U.S. Patent Application 20170368755, alternately titled用于点云数据的3D打印的方法和设备可以在线访问。

提名2017年最佳3D打印发明和应用in the second annual 3D Printing Industry Awards here.

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Featured image shows each step of the point-cloud to pixels data file prep as detailed in the Oxman et al. patent. Image via FPO