3D Platforms

多阶段launches new online marketplace for used 3D printers

多阶段已经推出了新的“第二人生”machine marketplace platform用于经过认证的预先二手机器。单击几下,您现在可以购买或出售二手添加剂制造机和机床。雷电竞充值

差距在e market

“我们想开发一个易于使用的全球市场收集卖家和购买者,”首席营销官Virgile Loisance解释说。“的确,每个人都可以通过在我们的网站上填写表格来出售他们的二手机器。然后,我们的工作是检查机器的状况,然后在不到24小时内在线列出待在网上出售。

多斯特(Multistation)总经理Henri Soury-Lavergne补充说:“二手增材制造机的市场非常成熟和动态,但需要更加结构化。雷电竞充值我们专门研究投资,投资投资,生产搬迁,清算和拍卖。”

“We can build, together with potential sellers or buyers, a confidential strategy to optimize their industrial digital and additive manufacturing assets, depending on the type of process.”


多阶段undertakes a technical and economic audit of each machine and offers assistance for disassembling, packaging, delivery, commissioning, installation and training.


Additionally, Multistation can deliver, under specific conditions, an official certificate can be issued certify the value of the equipment. These documents are essential for insurers and assessors.

From the buyer’s perspective

多阶段teams will assist and advise the future buyer according to exact specifications. Most of the time, future customers are interested in second hand equipment, and think first about the return on investment of a certified pre-owned machine. Multistation helps them to find the right machine, using the right process, and for the right price.

“Throughout our 30 years of activity, we have developed a worldwide network of clients and partners, this allows us to be proactive in the market and offer a large choice of machines,”

“通过这个新平台购买或出售机器可确保有效且快速的销售流程,并获得100%有担保的金融交易,” Soury-Lavergne补充说。“多阶段确保了整个交易的机密性。”

The Multistation website. Image via Multistation.
The Multistation website. Image via Multistation.

多阶段’s history

Founded by Yannick Loisance in 1987, Multistation has been involved since the early 2000s in the purchase and sale of second hand digital and additive manufacturing machines worldwide.


多阶段’s other manufacturing services

Digital manufacturing is offered with in-depth knowledge and expertise, as a complex machine tools distributor specializing in niche markets. This includes railway, maintenance machinery, fastening and riveting of large aero-structures, and blade and blisk machining. Some key partners include Gemcor, Waldrich Coburg, Linsinger, Rafamet, Mikromat, and Hamuel.

Additive Manufacturing is divided into two departments.Non Metal Additive Manufacturing售出的机器包括HP,Ricoh,Massivit,Solidscape和Solutionix。售出的金属添雷电竞充值加剂制造机包括SLM Solutions,Optomec,Arcam和3DSIM制造的打印机。超过60台金属添加剂制造机已通过多阶段雷电竞充值交付。

这个部门的工程师在每个c进行干预ritical phase of the value chain. Consulting is provided for a range processes including metal additive manufacturing design, simulation, materials, post-processing, computed tomography and HSE. They facilitate the integration of these disruptive, specific and transformative technologies.

上个月在Digiteo Saclay开设了新陈列室后,跨国公司将开放雷电竞充值Haining的增材制造能力中心(near Shanghai) at the beginning of 2018.

可以在Formnext 2017上找到多个杂货,在Booth G18,Hall 3.1。

多站办公室的Objet 30 Pro。通过多阶段照片。
Stratasys Objet 30 PRO at the Multistation office. Photo via Multistation.

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Featured image shows a Hamuel Maschinenbau laser cladding machine, sold on Multistation’s marketplace. Photo via Multistation.