
原始管Simplifies 3D Printing of Facesets for Stop Animation With 7-Steps Workflow

Francesco La Trofa是一位意大利3D福音传教士,在计划,拱形设计和通信研发方面拥有超过15年的经验。在他的活动中,Francesco关注创新的3D公司,例如意大利都灵,总部位于原始管。由Valerio Fissolo执导的开发团队开发了一个系统,该系统使用全彩3D打印来简化复杂面的生产,以便于停止动画制作,这是3D打印是最有益的娱乐领域之一。



Recent animation masterpieces by Laika, including Coraline, Paranorman or the more recent The Boxtrolls, demonstrate how stop motion animation is now more alive than ever, thanks to an artistic niche that was able to withstand the shock wave of huge productions, developed entirely through computer graphics.


原始管, an Italian company with over ten years of experience in 3D innovation, has developed a specific workflow for the creation of a modular faceset that can be entirely 3D printed for stop animation applications. This workflow, which can be summarized in seven stages, is the result of an intense process of technical and creative research, based on the know-how gained by the company in many business sectors.


这一切都始于“角色参考”,而不是对角色在不同情况下的准确分析,这导致创建第一个“中性” 3D模型,这将是所有连续表达式的基础。因此,通过仔细研究与艺术主管的参考和互动,以定义一个矩阵,以定义包含动画所需的所有必要条件的矩阵,从而在第二步中定义了面部。然后将表达式建模为3D。

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The third step is based on the implementation of a proprietary system consisting of three parts. One is the Head, equipped with space integration the moving parts and anchored the main skeleton of the puppet. Then come the Eyes, with a quick release system of magnets embedded in the head. Finally the face, which is articulated in one or more parts, to optimize the number of pieces on the basis of the variety and complexity of the expressions of the character.

All stages of modeling and texturing are implemented entirely in Blender, an open source software increasingly being used in 3D printing related applications, thanks to its flexibility and powerful tools. The model defined aesthetically in Blender is then imported into Rhinoceros to be engineered.



在进行3D打印之前,实施一般几何形状的耐受性控制和验证绝对至关重要。在可以执行此类操作的众多软件中,ProtoCube选择使用Motialize Magics,这是一种高端解决方案,可以以非常简单和直观的方式优化网格。


3D打印是七个步骤的决赛。ProtoCube使用3D系统全彩色,砂岩粘合剂喷射技术。通过将磁铁设置在适当的位置来组装多个全颜色零件,然后进行最终美学检查。然后木偶准备好了。射击开始了。7img_A - 3dprint