

Californian pediatric healthcare specialistRady Children’s Hospital已经启动了新的数字成像和医学通信(DICOM)标准化软件。

由医院的内部创建海伦和威尔·韦伯斯特基金会3D创新(3DI)实验室, ‘Media2DICOM’将患者的3D模型转换为医生经常使用的DICOM文件共享数据。为此,该计划使医务人员可以更轻松地访问解剖学3D重建,节省时间,同时帮助他们量身定制治疗以改善儿童的临床结果。

“With the right resources, we’ve been able to develop software suited to the hospital’s needs, making it easier for physicians to access personalized 3D models and other information for excellent patient care,” said Justin Ryan, PhD, Director and Research Scientist at the 3DI Lab. “This is the first time a software like this has been created in a vendor-neutral environment, so it’s really exciting to see what’s next on this path of innovation.”

一系列针对心脏和骨骼疾病的3I LAB-3D印刷模型。通过Rady儿童医院的照片。
A series of 3DI Lab-3D printed cardiac and skeletal disease models. Photo via Rady Children’s Hospital.

The 3DI Lab’s accessibility initiative

Based in San Diego, Rady Children’s Hospital is a national leader in pediatric healthcare that serves as a care provider to more than 280,000 patients, or around 91% of the region’s children. The hospital is home to a 3DI Lab that specializes in creating 3D models and prints based on CT scan and MRI data, which support precise surgical and interventional planning, and help improve patient outcomes.

其创新汇下,3 f di实验室工作acilitate in-house medical device fabrication, and develop resources to educate patients and their families on how procedures are carried out. The facility has also developed several models for surgical planning and the training of current and future physicians, including hearts with congenital defects viaStratasys’ J750 Digital Anatomy 3D printer


Stratasys J750。Tia Vialva摄影。
Stratasys J750 3D打印机。Tia Vialva摄影。


3DI LAB的MEDIA2DICOM软件是一种工具,旨在封装DICOMS中MP4,JPEG,PNGS,BMP和STL等文件。实际上,该计划通过允许临床医生可以使用本地存储或通过行业标准的图片归档通信系统(PACS)来归档3D模型来工作。


使用该平台,医生能够与患者的解剖结构进行查看和相互作用,从而使他们能够满足其独特生理的需求。While the hospital’s website says that the program “is for research purposes only” and “is not intended for diagnostic use,” it adds that it could save doctors a huge amount of time in a way that “impacts the lives of thousands of children.”


Stratasys’ Digital Anatomy Creator software also allows users to advance the creation of functional medical models. Photo via Stratasys.

Anatomical modeling with 3D printing

Rady儿童医院的3DI实验室现在是几家医疗机构之一,可以转向3D印刷模型,以帮助外科医生为手术做准备,并且患者更好地了解手术。为了促进这一过程,Stratasys已推出Digital Anatomy Creator这是一种旨在操纵材料编队并自定义内部结构以提高模型准确性的软件。

Elsewhere, thanks to the high level of color fidelity attainable via its UV inkjet technology,Mimaki3D printers continue to find clinical modeling applications. In June 2021, the佛罗伦萨大学庞培revealed that they’d deployed one of its systems, alongside a unique algorithm, to develop accurately3D打印全色解剖模型

再到2019年底,GE Healthcare partnered with Formlabsas well, to make it easier for clinicians to 3D print patient-specific models from imaging data. Through their collaboration, the firms began offering a bundle that incorporated Formlabs 3D printers and materials, as well as GE Healthcare’s Advantage Workstation software, for the preparation of such models before production.

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特色图像显示了一系列针对心脏和骨骼疾病的3DI LAB-3D打印模型。通过Rady儿童医院的照片。