
研究ers 3D print objects that can communicate without electronics

科学家在University of Washington(UW)已经开发了自轨3D打印设备,可以在不使用电池或电子设备的情况下提供分析。

UW,工程团队的一部分工程教授詹妮弗·曼科夫(Jennifer Mankoff)说:“我们有兴趣通过3-D打印制作可访问的辅助技术,但我们没有简单的方法来知道人们如何使用它。”曼科夫继续说:“我们能否提出一个可以在消费级,现成的打印机上打印的无电路解决方案,并允许设备本身收集信息?这就是我们在本文中可能出现的。”



The engineering team had previously worked on developing 3D printed objects that can communicate via Wi-Fi without electronics. An example device is one which orders detergent online if the detergent bottle runs low. But such a device only monitored data in one direction.


A challenge was to figure out a method to monitor movement in both directions, such as the opening and closing of a pill bottle.团队如何解决问题?

工程专业的学生和纸的合着者Vikram Iyer,解释说:“这次我们有两个天线,一个天线在顶部,一个天线可以通过连接到齿轮的开关来联系。因此,打开丸瓶盖将齿轮朝一个方向移动,这将开关推到接触两个天线之一。然后关闭药丸瓶盖,将齿轮朝相反的方向转动,开关撞击了另一个天线。”


根据研究人员的说法,相同的概念可以与3D印刷假肢一起使用such as e-NABLE arms.To show this, the team integrated the bi-directional backscatter designs within existing CAD models, in particular, with a 3D printed e-NABLE prosthetic arm. The backscatter system developed by the team was able to record the opening and closing of the arm at 15° angle.




华盛顿大学的工程团队。后排(从左到右):Vikram Iyer,Jennifer Mankoff,Ian Culhane;前排:Shyam Gollakota,Justin Chan。通过马克·斯通/华盛顿大学的图像
华盛顿大学的工程团队。后排(从左到右):Vikram Iyer,Jennifer Mankoff,Ian Culhane;前排:Shyam Gollakota,Justin Chan。通过马克·斯通/华盛顿大学的图像

e-NABLING with 3D printing

使能够, an open source 3D prosthetic community has been very active globally. The organization received a $600,000 grant from Google to develop6,000 3D打印假肢在2年内。

该组织努力提供低成本3D printed prosthetics to amputees in war zones and earthquake-affected areas,例如海地。

As previously reported, e-NABLE also collaborated with Simplify3D, a 3D printing software developer. The collaboration provided3D印刷假肢给儿童.

The University of Washington research brings hopeful news for the e-NABLE community and the wearers of the e-NABLE prosthetics. The recent innovation may lead to better open source prosthetics.

The research paper is titled,3D打印对象的无线分析,由Vikram Iyer,Justin Chan,Ian Culhane,Jennifer Mankoff和Shyamnath Gollakota合着。The research findings will be presented on October 15 at theACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Berlin.

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Featured image shows a 3D printed e-NABLE prosthetic hand. Image via Mark Stone/University of Washington