
评论:Zortrax M300 Plus,这是一款设计精良的机器,用于大量台式机3D打印

ZortraxM300 Plusis one of the latest material extrusion 3D printers from the M Series of Polish OEMZortrax。With a build volume of 300 x 300 x 300 mm, it outstrips much of the competition when it comes to the scale and volume of parts achievable on the desktop. Tipped for “Plug and Play” functionality, the M300 Plus promises ease of use in terms of both hardware, and its custom Z-SUITE slicer. It is also built to use a variety of own-brand and third party materials, keeping applications versatile and practical.

In this in-depth review, 3D Printing Industry tests the capabilities of the Zortrax M300 Plus as listed above. Through a rigorous process, our engineers compiled a report outlining the machine’s capabilities with tests designed to verify print accuracy, the ability to work with third party materials, make use of the full volume of the print bed, produce functional part assemblies, and undertake print runs longer than 24 hours. They applied these qualities to a range of real-world uses, as well as assessing the construction, design and utility of the hardware.

This article summarizes the findings and the team’s overall view of how the M300 Plus fulfills its core claims of large volume desktop 3D printing, user friendliness, and response to industrial quality requirements.

Zortrax M300 Plus的一般观察

Zortrax M300 Plus具有一个完整的金属底盘,其中包含刚性笛卡尔系统。印刷床加热和穿孔,使其能够使用更高质量,通常更具挑战性的材料(例如PETG,ASA,臀部和TPU),并在3D打印该关键的第一层时更强的抓地力。床上的金属校准正方形也有助于平整。用于半自动床均衡的传感器是感应性的,仅在金属表面上工作。这意味着它不受印刷床上可能存在的任何碎屑或水分的影响。

包括我们的测试单元,并作为M300 Plus的附加组件提供,是HEPA盖。围栏是避免常见的翘曲和卷曲问题以及空气过滤的可喜补充。当3D打印大型物体以确保腔室温度时,它也是至关重要的升级。

与机器的结构一样,M300 Plus内部的组件是高质量的。例如,床位调平传感器比通常在其他自组装台式系统中获得的传感器要贵。作为一个更昂贵,更高质量的组件,其功能在3D打印机处理半自动级别的能力中表明。螺纹杆和持有它们的组件是M300 Plus'固体结构的另一个例子。这些杆安装在系统中的方式限制了打印头移动和更改方向的机械播放方式。它也抑制了振动,并由3D印刷物体的最终质量证实。高级功能,例如线轴末端传感和半自动床平整。

Zortrax M300加3D打印机。
Zortrax M300加3D打印机。由3D打印行业摄。

Setting up the Zortrax M300 Plus

Zortrax M300 Plus的初始设置需要不到10分钟才能完成。仅通过在3D打印机内置触摸屏上选择一个或另一个来执行灯丝加载或卸载。雷电竞app下载整个过程大约需要2分钟。

Bed leveling on the system is semi-automatic, and in our tests it only took just over 5 minutes to complete. Again operated by the machine’s touchscreen, the M300 Plus analyzes the level of the bed and advises on the degree to which each leveling screw should be tightened. It’s a very convenient method of leveling, but it could be improved even further through the use of clear markings on the screws.

In the final step of set up, we found wi-fi connection to be straightforward, taking no more than 2 minutes, and enabling computer access to the M300 Plus’ inboard camera – a useful feature for monitoring when using the system as part of farm, or for critical jobs.

Activating 3D printing on the M300 Plus was an very intuitive process. Following the preparation of Z-CODE in the machine’s custom Z-SUITE slicer, 3D prints were easily activated over wi-fi or using a USB flash drive.

Proving industrial level quality 3D printing, and third party compatibility

3D打印行业工程团队花了一个月的时间在我们的总部测试Zortrax M300 Plus。为了确定3D打印功能,进行了大量测试,并重复验证结果。这些结果的选择如下所示。

Our testing methodology and procedures include checking for repeatability, retraction, circular trajectory, precision, and the ability to produce high details, overhangs, tall parts and wide objects, covering the boundaries of the print bed.


Some of the parts produced in this step are listed in the chart below.

In the first test,a differential gearbox使用运动部件,选择M300 Plus手柄机械组件是否。这部分特别好。该机制起作用,只有轻微的化妆品缺陷不会以任何方式阻碍运动。它是用自己的品牌Z-ASA Pro材料制成的,并提供了机械工作的准确示例,可以在功能原型制作中使用。

In test two, the team tried a support-free print, and tested the M300 Plus’ ability to work with third party filaments. A test of retraction as much as design fidelity,这个对象印刷时没有串线,并且与相对较高的层厚度(0.29 mm)相关的表面质量良好。事实证明,筏子很难去除,但是随后对Z套件的更新意味着现在可以选择筏。


In a more demanding third party filament test, Polymaker TPU was used to assess how the M300 Plus’ handles flexible materials – often more harder task for some desktop 3D printers. The result of this test when producinga phone case令人满意,打印机始终没有遇到任何问题。当使用专有Z-FLEX TPU重复重复时,实现了更好的表面质量。总体而言,该测试证明可以打印具有柔性丝的平坦表面,但是,必须仔细选择设置。

在Zortrax M300 Plus上测试2至3。从左到右:微分变速箱,klein花瓶,电话盒。
在Zortrax M300 Plus上测试2至3。从左到右:微分变速箱,klein花瓶,电话盒。由3D打印行业摄。

一项两部分测试,以了解3D打印机如何处理多部分组件,在4A和4B中,团队产生了车轮和轮胎模型。使用Z-Semiflex和Z-ASA Pro的车轮打印中央车轮3D。尽管3D分别打印,但两个对象都显示出紧密的公差,并且可以在没有问题的情况下组装。这两个部分的质量非常好。

Wheel and tire assembled.
Wheel and tire assembled. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

对M300 Plus的长期运行能力的巨大测试(并使用较大的构建量)进行下一个测试是27小时的印刷sculpture of a bearded man。对于此测试,强烈建议使用HEPA盖,因为它有助于在构建中保持一致的氛围。在这种情况下,较低的打印速度-20%和10%的风扇速度确保了物体的质量,该物体的填充物产生了20%。由Z-ASA Pro制成的支持很容易删除,并且从马拉松制造的开始到结束时保持质量。但是,一些与支持材料接触的面孔将需要进一步的后处理才能实现更平​​稳的饰面。

Head of a Bearded Old Man 23cm tall sculpture 3D printed on the M300 Plus.
Head of a Bearded Old Man 23cm tall sculpture 3D printed on the M300 Plus. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

最后,在我们的工程师认为M300 Plus的关键测试中六角花瓶, which makes use of the entire build volume of the M300 Plus was made over the course of one and half days.The result of this 3D print fully corresponds with Zortrax’s claims.There are no major defects on the vase, and no deformations or shifts of the print when the surface is close to the boundaries of the workspace.

3D printed vase making the most of the M300 Plus’ large print bed.
3D printed vase making the most of the M300 Plus’ large print bed. Photo by 3D Printing Industry.

这final verdict

Zortrax M300 Plus是设计良好的3D打印机,由高质量的组件制成,设置很容易。事实证明,它的穿孔床非常有效,可以用3D打印来熨烫任何粘附问题。直观的触摸屏使加载和卸载细丝,平整床并开始和停止印刷品变得容易。使用Zortrax的Z-Suite切片机也非常有效。该计划还不断更新,以实现公司机器的潜力,这在考虑投资时是一个令人鼓舞的标志。

Zortrax自己的品牌丝在M300 Plus上的表现非常出色。但是,我们能够使用其他标准和具有挑战性的材料(例如柔性TPU)生产零件。当3D打印时,该机器能够充分利用其构建量的汇总。它表明它可以管理这种规模模型所需的长时间打印时间。大型印刷品的总体质量非常好,并且所有细节都可以很好地复制。我们的测试也证明了组件,小详细零件,功能原型和其他有用的应用。当翘曲,卷曲或摇摆时,是对使用公司HEPA覆盖物的材料和模型的关注点可取得最好的结果。

Following our internal testing we can confidently say that the Zortrax M300 Plus lives up to its claims. The machine accurately produced large objects and is easy to use. It has great potential, and would be a good addition to in-house workshops, and makerspaces, where the machine can be pushed to its limits.

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特色图像显示了带有HEPA盖的Zortrax M300加3D打印机。图像通过Zortrax