
时间会说明 - RVNDSGN的美国制造的3D印刷钛手表为制作可穿戴功能时尚的艺术提供了新的方法

在过去的十年左右的时间里,手表几乎已经走了袖扣 - 也就是说,只有在著名的庆典中的高级管理人员的手腕上看到的是精英的著名活动。Much of the blame/gratitude for this absence can be directed at the mobile phone and other portable electronic equipment — today’s devices of choice for specifying not only where we are in geographical terms via GPS and the five senses, but also for the exact location in the fourth dimension — time. During this bleak period, wearing a timepiece on the wrist has also been a strong statement regarding the appreciation of the总是更好的旧方式以及如何以特定的可穿戴状态露面(脱)的状态以其他方式被视为农民般或荒谬(我在看着您,假装珠宝的“百万富翁”手表)。

Recently – and fortunately – however, there have been clear and concrete indications of the once ubiquitous item resurfacing once again in the mass market, pushing sentimentality and other negative associations and attributes aside. In the public forefront, the traditional watch is currently reinventing itself as a smart watch – something once again suitable for everyone – in the form of a Pebble and upcoming takes on the matter from (according to rumours) Samsung, Apple and other consumer electronic giants. The smart watch is of course quite a far cry from the Mad Men era watches, but avid WatchTime magazine subscribers might be joyous to hear that applying new technology to watches doesn’t necessarily mean that the fundamental nature – or looks – of the said companion have to be different from what it once was. One example of this is the rvnDSGN watch, a 3D printed titanium watch.


该公司将自己标记为精品手表品牌,是工业设计师Zach Raven的创意。除了将3D打印技术注入钛在他的模拟式股票程序外,Zach还决定利用另一种新的方法来制造消费产品的过程,因为RVNDSGN手表或至少它们最明显的零件是在美国完全制造的。(和按订单)。设计精美的激光烧结的钛壳始终保持正确的位置,系列1手表由瑞士ETA 980.106.7珠宝机芯供电,并配有皮带 - 显然是用皮革制成的,用卵石的石墨制成,黄金或砖块的音调 - 在纽约市是手工制作的。手表始终需要展示的,但更重要的是自我激动人心的手表,总是需要某些维护程序,但是从脸部划痕可能是值得一提的血液,汗水和眼泪的任务。为了防止这种情况,RVNDSGN手表配备了蓝宝石水晶镜头,该镜头几乎应该是刮擦的,并且实际上无法破裂。


每当在向公众传达产品时使用豪华,质量和声望之类的形容词,直接和自发的协会通常都很昂贵。但是,这些3D打印的钛手表没有与Audemars Piguet,Louis Monet甚至Tag Heuer等人竞争,因为RVNDSGN系列1手表的价格为599美元。当然,这仍然是很多钱,但是如果要寻找一般的时计,我个人仍然会抛出一对所需的额外的本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)的特色比尔(Bills),而不是节省一点,而不是跳上智能手表潮流。至少直到最受期待的型号可用。

Source: rvnDSGN

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