

As of February 2017, Netherlands-based 3D printer manufacturer Ultimaker has filed its first patent in the 3D printing industry. The patent protects the Active Bed Leveling technology found insideUltimaker 3系列。3D打印机于2016年10月首次发布.

A gyro 3D printed on an Ultimaker 3 using water soluble supports. Photo via Ultimaker on YouTube
A gyro 3D printed on an Ultimaker 3 using water soluble supports. Photo via Ultimaker on YouTube

Protecting IP in the industrial market

正如Lana Lozova在公司博客上的一篇文章中所解释的那样,此行动是一种防御专利。Ultimaker表示,该专利旨在保护公司的发明免受竞争对手的侵害。正如Lozova解释的那样,




We won’t be initiating patent lawsuits against anyone who uses our technology in good faith – for example, for personal use, research or small business development […]

我们也愿意共同开发,也不会声称其他方面的IP权利。Ultimaker 3步骤文件将在GitHub上共享,我们将继续使用开源许可。


Active Bed Leveling is Ultimaker’s term for the process that automatically sets up the build plate for 3D printing. Bed leveling is one of the key factors that affects the success of a 3D print.

与在3D打印机中发现的自动床平整相反,Ultimaker 3中的床并没有移动,正如Ultimaker的戴德所解释雷电竞app下载的那样,“We do not level the bed, the bed stays where it is. We compensate for a tilted bed.”

Active bed levelling. Clip viaUltimaker在YouTube上

The filed patent covers the process for one or more nozzles, with contactless sensors that detect the distance between those nozzles, a flat bed, and in relation to the center of the surface.More detail is added in a blog post by SandervG.

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特色图片显示了3D打印机的Ultimaker 3家族。雷电竞app下载通过Ultimaker的照片