
Uniformity Labs develops novel race car roll cage using 3D printing technology

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Printed in-house on anSLM Solutions SLM 280 2.0,卷笼将用于即将到来的普利司通世界太阳能挑战赛这是一场3000公里的比赛,在澳大利亚内陆地区看到了太阳能汽车。使用拓扑优化技术进行了优化,使卷笼使其尽可能坚固且尽可能轻巧,以获得最大的性能。

统一实验室的创始人兼首席执行官亚当·霍普金斯(Adam Hopkins)表示:“这是我们的创新如何使用我们的先进粉末和现代AM技术来显着改善零件设计的一个很好的例子。”“我们的超低孔隙率ALSI10MG和打印过程使汽车开发团队能够快速,便宜,廉价和优化,以实现必要的重量和安全参数。”


3D printing with AlSi10Mg

Roll cages are specially designed frames that line the interiors of race cars. They’re implemented in a bid to protect the driver (and passengers) from being injured in the case of an accident, particularly one that involves the car rolling over. As such, it’s crucial that roll cages are able to withstand high-stress impacts without buckling, calling for the use of high-strength materials.


粉状合金印刷在SLM 280 2.0上,可达到高达99.9%的零件密度,最终的拉伸强度高达438MPA,并且产量高达291MPA。




Uniformity Labs also believes the project has demonstrated the advantages of its aluminum alloy when it comes to furthering the future of sustainable mobility. The company maintains that robust and lightweight parts will be required to accelerate the transition to cleaner and safer mobility systems, and materials like AlSi10Mg will enable them.


The SLM 280 2.0. Photo via SLM Solutions.
SLM 280 2.0 3D打印机。通过SLM解决方案照片。

Companies operating in the motorsport sector have seen a great deal of 3D printing adoption over the past few years.例如,Kawasaki Puccetti Racingteam recently integrated3D扫描和3D打印到日常工作流程中,揭示它使用增材制造业在2019年赢得了意大利的世雷电竞充值界超级摩托车锦标赛。RangeVision3D scanner to scan its Kawasaki racing motorcycle and optimized the fairing of the 3D model using aerodynamic modeling algorithms.

最近,阿尔法·罗密欧赛车Orlen一级方程式团队与AM Solutions, the Italian 3D printing subsidiary of the罗斯勒集团,加强post-processing of its 3D printed race car components。Having acquired three S1 systems from AM Solutions, Alfa Romeo will be able to deploy partial and fully automated post-processing of polymer and metal 3D printed parts for “all 3D printing technologies”.

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