
3D Printable Humanoid Robot – MAKI

Maki是一个非常吸引人的人形机器人项目,目前在Kickstarter上采购资金。该概念背后的想法是,可以使用3D打印机下载Maki然后复制。Maki背后的公司是机器人设计公司Hello Robo,专注于在人类环境中运行的机器人。

Maki的设计专门为3D打印,为了完成此Hello Robo,已建立了Kickstarter广告系列。他们的第一个测试并非没有反复试验,但是他们使用Rapman 3.2 3D打印机设法使用3mm ABS灯丝进行了3D Print Maki。

MAKI由六个AX-12 Dynamixel致动器,一个Arbotix Robocontroller,Zigbee Wireless和USB网络摄像头组成,MAKI与最常用的软件兼容了用于此目的的软件,包括ROS,Pypose,Roborealm和Arduino IDE。



MAKI is suitable for educational purposes too. According to Hello Robo “Children gravitate to robots, which makes them a perfect educational tool. From printing to assembly and final programming, a school robotics program generates interest in applied Mathematics and Science.“


The MAKI project is definitely an interesting one, and surely interest in robotics will only increase as they become more popular in the future. However, there still seems to be certain steps that probably need to be overcome before MAKI is ready for an average consumer. Firstly, all the parts have to be printed individually, which isn’t really an issue if you have a 3D printer and know how to operate it. Secondly, the parts then need to be painted, and some of them might require light sanding prior to that. And finally all the parts need to be assembled together.

迄今为止,MAKI Kickstarter竞选没有衰退ived much backing. With little over $2,000 pledged of $30,000 goal and only 8 days to go, it seems that the Hello Robo team may have to re-group their pitch, or think of another way of raising funding.


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