
3D printed generator fused with monitoring system to “provide new opportunities for intelligent automobiles”

Researchers at theChinese Academy of Scienceshave 3D printed a novel nanogenerator with the potential to enable the self-powered monitoring of autonomous vehicles.

由其创建者称为“ BS-Teng”,这是一个微型的70mm摩擦电纳米生成器(TENG)具有独特的轴承结构(BS)设计,使其可以作为机械能量收割机和自给自足的传感设备。

每个超紧凑型BS-Teng能够以高达1,500 rpm的速度运行,可以输出0.96 MW的峰值输出,根据团队的说法,该峰值足以使50 LED供电,或者启用AI-drived的热和速度监测车辆,以“为智能汽车驾驶系统提供新的机会”的方式。

A mock-up of an autonomous vehicle with a 3D printed self-powered sensor system.
什么是自主车辆partially-3D printed self-powered sensor system could look like. Image via the Cell Reports Physical Science journal.




As an alternative to conventional batteries, it is possible to harness and deploy the rotational mechanical energy generated via vehicle turning and braking, to power internal automotive monitoring systems. In fact, thefirst nanogenerator是15年前由一支团队创建的Georgia Institute of Technology, which has since gone on to develop a TENG capable of capturing wind and kinetic energy.

However, the Chinese researchers now claim that the limited energy conversion of existing technologies, in addition to the demands of AI vehicles, is preventing their wider adoption. To get around this, the scientists say they’ve devised a new harvesting approach, which enables the use of previously-wasted energy to power a sensing system that allows for “the safer driving of automated vehicles.”

研究人员的“ BS-teng”纳米生成剂的内部工作。
研究人员的“ BS-teng”纳米生成器的内部工作。图片通过细胞报告物理科学杂志。

Energy harnessing with the ‘BS-TENG’


Due to its experimental nature, the prototype rotor only had a height of 3.6mm, so to make room for the device’s 6mm rollers, the researchers fused two rotors with an acrylic tube to form a ‘double-BS-TENG.’ During testing, the resulting nanogenerator proved capable of a high and stable output at 100 to 1,500 rpm, thus the team theorized it could be used for “mechanical energy harvesting by wheel rotation.”

To put this hypothesis into practise, the scientists then integrated their device into a self-powered vehicle monitoring or ‘SPVM’ system, comprising four double-BS-TENGs, five gears and two acrylic plates. Initial tests showed the nanogenerators were able to power a thermal sensor, that could not only be operated continuously, but programmed to sound an ‘alarm’ when a certain temperature was reached.

Further assessments also showed that the SPVM can be used to track servometer-simulated wheel speed simultaneously, showcasing its multifunctional end-use capabilities. With further R&D, the team therefore believe the BS-TENG has the potential to be a “breakthrough in rotational energy harvesting,” that provides a blueprint for improving both the efficiency of nanogenerators, and safety of AI-driven vehicles.


BS-Teng在测试过程中用于为商业LED提供动力。gif via
这scientists deployed the BS-TENG to power a string of commercial LEDs during testing. Gif via the Cell Reports Physical Science journal.


As impressive as the Chinese scientists’ BS-TENG is, it’s far from the first time 3D printing has been used to create energy-generating or storage devices, and the technology is now increasingly attracting the attention of the automotive industry.

就在去年,英国的3D打印机制造商Photocentric建立专用电池3D打印部门, with which it has committed to developing more eco-friendly and efficient cells. Although the firm has yet to reveal how these revised batteries will work, or its plans for bringing them to market, it’s thought that they’re specifically being designed to address the electronic vehicle (EV) sector.

Sakuu Corporationhas also dedicated itself to the development of optimized Solid State Batteries (SSBs) for automotive purposes, and it unveiled itsnew Sakuu AM Platformin May 2021. With its upgraded 3D printer, the firm aims to reduce the cost, scale and consistency roadblocks to introducing such SSBs to market, and ultimately drive the wider adoption of sustainably-powered transport.

Elsewhere, in 3D printing tests similar to those carried out on the BS-TENG, a team at theUlsan National Institute of Science and Technologyhave devised a 3D printable ink for producingunique power-generating tubes。In practise, the researchers believe such tubing could form the basis of new thermoelectric generators, capable of capturing and reusing automotive exhaust gases.

研究人员的发现在其论文中详细介绍了“3D打印的轴承结构底压纳米发电机,用于智能车辆监测”,由Jin Yang,Yanshuo Sun,Jianjun Zhang,Baodong Chen和Zhong Lin Wang合着。

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