3D Printing News Digest


In this edition of Sliced, the 3D Printing Industry news digest, we cover the latest business developments, partnerships, and acquisitions in the additive manufacturing sector.

Today’s edition features automotive and marine 3D printing advances, reseller network expansions, several software updates and an additive manufactured nineteenth century animation device.

Read on for the most recent updates from ROBOZE, PUNCH Torino, Wematter, Braskem, Materialise, Autodesk, B9Creations and more.

B9Creations' B9 Core 5 Series Med XL 3D printer and HD Clear resin.
B9Creations’ B9 Core 5 Series Med XL 3D printer and HD Clear resin. Image via B9Creations.

Software updates from B9Creations, Autodesk and Materialise

启动本周的新闻摘要B9Creations, the South Dakota-based 3D printer manufacturer has launched an upgraded version of itsB9Captivatesoftware. Designed to allow users to create custom settings for theirB9 Core Series 3D printers,物料开发工具包现在具有深色站点功能,可以更好地保护制造商敏感生产数据的隐私。

Autodeskhas also improved its popularFusion 360program, releasing two new Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) print settings in its September 6, 2022 update. According to Bradley D. Woods, CEO ofthe Virtual Foundry, the latest version of the software, which brings Bronze and Copper Filamet compatibility, will help “bring bound metal/FFF metal printing further into the mainstream.”

Materialise, meanwhile, has looked externally to improve its software offering, and announced the acquisition of识别3D


“数字供应链的中心是从设计到制造业的有价值数据的移动,” Sienden3D首席执行官Joe Inkenbrandt说。“我们的使命一直是解决该数据的安全性和完整性。将我们的软件集成到Material Co-AM平台中,使我们能够完全释放其潜力,并以前所未有的方式为客户提供安全和对数据的控制。”

Christopher Duffy's 3D printed 'Dune' coffee table. Photo via Christopher Duffy.
克里斯托弗·达菲(Christopher Duffy)的3D印刷了“沙丘”咖啡桌。通过克里斯托弗·达菲(Christopher Duffy)的照片。


Moving on to the art world now, design studioDuffy Londonhas partnered with German manufacturerSandhelden到3D打印一张“沙丘”咖啡桌。旨在模仿扫地沙丘的波浪状图案,通过使用天然原料的3D打印使玻璃顶式家具饰品成为可能。根据创作者克里斯托弗·达菲(Christopher Duffy)的说法,意识到桌子自由流动的曲折和扭曲背后的艺术愿景,以前证明很难通过其他技术实现。

“与Sandhelden合作,我们已经能够了解3D印刷与沙子的美丽和多功能性,”Duffy told designboom。“Our designs can be twisted on their heads, scaled up, and formed as larger furniture pieces and sculptural forms. It looks alluring, captivates, and feels weighty and tactile to the touch. We are already starting to explore future concepts and special editions, so this is only the beginning.”

Elsewhere, English artist R James Healy has used 3D printing to recreate three ‘zoetrope’ pre-cinema animation devices. Composed of a slotted cylinder containing a series of drawings, often showing people or animals in motion, the victorian-era products were first invented in the 1830s. By introducing 3D printed sculptures in place of images, Healy says he’s been able to achieve continuous motion.

“The series merges factual and imagined memories of the city [Vancouver, Canada],” explains Healy. “Experienced in the round, the artworks are both stage and performer. Short graphic cycles repeat to form a moving pattern. Playing continuously, the looped motion can be hypnotic, inviting viewers to meditative observation.”

An engineer using ROBOZE's ARGO 500 3D printer.
ROBOZE’s ARGO 500 3D printer. Photo via ROBOZE.

PUNCH Torino and ROBOZE to advance 3D printing

在应用程序新闻中PUNCH TorinoandROBOZE已同意合作伙伴加速汽车和海洋部门中3D印刷的工业化。利用Roboze的3D打印机和Punch Torino在汽车技术方面的专业知识提供的自动化,这雷电竞app下载些公司预计自己和未来的客户都会实现经济,领土和环境利益。

“We chose Roboze as our partner because we strongly believe in its patented ultra-precise 3D printing technology for super polymers and composites,” says Gianmarco Boretto, Director Hardware Engineering of PUNCH Torino. “This technology allows us to create increasingly complex, resistant and functionally-integrated systems through the application of specific product development techniques.”

Wematterand Braskem expand reseller networks

完成本周Wematter, the Swedish 3D printer manufacturer has entered into a reseller agreement with German distributorOKM3D。作为交易的一部分,后者将努力为Gravity 3D printerin Germany, where Wematter anticipates there being a strong appetite for the system in the automotive and medical markets.

“We are really delighted to work with Wematter and to be able to offer their SLS solution to our German customers,” said Julien Gonzalez, European Distribution Manager of OKM3D. “It’s a great technology and Wematter offers an innovative approach to the ecosystem. There is a wide range of technical materials and the hardware part is very easy to install for such an industrial solution.”

Brazilian petrochemical firm布拉斯姆has struck a similar deal with US resin distributorM. Holland。As a Braskem distributor,M.Holland现在,将能够提供对聚乙烯(PE)和玻璃纤维增​​强聚丙烯(PP)丝的访问。这样一来,该公司将开始提供提供高可打印性的材料,以及降低的经纱和改进的层间粘附力。

“当使用PE材料打印3D打印时,我们的许多客户都报告了一系列技术困难,包括翘曲,不一致的饰面和技术属性不足。Braskem的PE材料提供了令人难以置信的热稳定性水平,使材料保持一致,并且更容易打印。” M. Holland的3D印刷市场经理Carlos Aponte说。“这种PE配方是开创性的,现在可以为我们的客户提供。”

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特色图像显示了Healy的3D打印Zoetropes和顶部灯的切片徽标。通过R. James Healy的照片。