




Comparison between real model (left) & Developed in this work (right). Image via International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science.
Comparison between real model (left) & Developed in this work (right). Image via International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science.


这项研究首次提出了详细th的状态e current market for prostheses. Although the development of such devices for the rehabilitation of amputees has been evolving, the researchers explain mechanical prostheses have a commercial disadvantage. “The prices charged for these prostheses are above the acquisition conditions for a large part of the population undergoing rehabilitation. The purchase of a prosthesis by people with low acquisition value ends up not being viable, and thus, they opt for non-automated mechanisms with low mechanical control and interaction with the user.”

In view of the problem, the study then positions 3D printing as a potential technology for designing effective prostheses with low cost: “It is possible to print models with characteristics similar to those of humans, giving it the ability to approach the resourcefulness of real human parts.”

确实,3D打印已被用来帮助增加定制医疗设备的可访问性例如截肢者的假体世界各地。最近在3D打印行业,我们详细介绍了如何3D Sierra Leone,一个荷兰非营利组织,正在提供定制的3D打印假肢西非国家的患者。使用3D打印,3D Sierra Leone致力于改善塞拉利昂的人们的生活,该生活经历了截肢,但无法获得相关的医疗服务。

在叙利亚,3D打印也被利用提供假肢as traditionally manufactured devices have been difficult to source amid the ongoing Civil War. The likes ofSyria Relief是在叙利亚工作的英国慈善机构,已恳求英国国际发展部(DFID)为儿童的3D假肢在国内。

Masanga的3D印刷假肢。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片。
Masanga的3D印刷假肢。通过3D Sierra Leone的照片。

3D printing mechanical prostheses


The design of the prosthesis was modelled in AutoDesk CAD software, before being 3D printed using an AnetA8 3D printer. As the AnetA8 is a low-cost system, it is not equipped with depth sensors to detect the approach of the extruder nozzle to the table, which can lead to a collision. As such, the researchers opted to modify the system, by implementing an inductive sensor for detecting metallic materials, and updating the firmware and calibration.


The internal structure of the prostheses included perforations of 2mm in diameter in order to allow the passage of cables through the device. The fist was attached to the hand and fingers using steel screws, and hard copper was utilized for connecting finger links.


The researchers selected PLA as the material for 3D printing in the first phase due to its 190°C melting point. Parameters for the 3D printing process were established using Simplify3D V4.1 software, in order to determine the amount of filament needed, and length of the printing process. To enable movement of the prosthetic fingers, high torque 13 kg / cm servo motors were used when powered at 4.8v, with 4.8 – 7.2 V operating capacity. The metal gears allow for less wear and great reliability in torque during the movement of the fingers. To measure the pressure of the fingers on the surface of the palm, the use of a force sensor with a measuring range between 100 grams to approximately 10kg was adopted, with a detection area of 15 mm in a circular format.




纸,“上肢的机械机械假体的原型,低成本国际高级工程研究与科学杂志。它由Thiago A. Do Carmo,Regina E. S. Cabette和Renato G. Gomes撰写。

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