3D Printing

Artec and Mirror Image 3D Provide Full-Body 3D Scans in 12 Seconds at NJ Mall

In my experience, people go to malls to resolve the daily ennui or just because there’s nothing else to do in that particular area. There are others who like malls for all kinds reasons, like getting exercise in the winter. Well, now mallsters can get a full body scan in just 12 seconds with a visit to their local Shapify Booth.Artec 3DandMirror Image 3D已经宣布了在Freehold Raceway Mall in Freehold, NJ。经过全身扫描后,将最终的数字模型通过电子邮件发送给客户,几周后,在这种情况下,他们将在邮件中收到“货架”或“ shapie”。


Freehold Raceway Mall shoppers will be able to commemorate life’s most typically celebrated occasions as 3D models: graduations, weddings, and pregnancies. Or, if they’re settling an insurance claim, they might consider capturing bodily disfigurements. The process is quick, painless, and easy, and will introduce many consumers to their first experience with 3D technology. And I’m sure people will grow as fond of “shapies” as they are of selfies.

Mirror Image 3D的Tom Kapps说,“ 3D技术的日益普及是不可否认的。客户想亲身体验它,但以一种简单,有趣且负担得起的方式。Shapify Booth正在实现这一目标,我们希望将这项技术带到全国及其他地区的地点,以便每个人都可以将自己的自拍照带入下一个维度。”

如果您从未进入过Artec 3D Shapify Booth,那么这里就是这样:四个广阔的,高分辨率的ARTEC扫描仪会在您周围旋转,以从各个角度捕获您的“现实数据”。这些是相同的高功率3D扫描仪,可在越来越多的行业(例如航空航天,媒体和制造场)中捕获多种应用的令人难以置信的细节。而且,现在这些扫描仪将捕获有关您的每个细节,直到鞋带提示的颜色。Artec的软件与Digital You的快照相融合,以创建一个从头到脚的3D图像文件,然后可以打印3D。在这种情况下,您可以将3D运到您的房屋中,也可以在未来去新泽西购物中心的旅行中为您准备。


Artyom Yukhin, president and CEO of Artec 3D said, “We are thrilled to announce another retail location for the Shapify Booth now with Mirror Image 3D at the Freehold Raceway Mall. Our technology has helped people all over the world capture and forever-remember loved ones, places and moments in ways unimaginable just a few short years ago. We’re excited to continue to bring our 3D technology to more users and public locations.”

Shapify Booth将于4月8日在新泽西州Freehold的Freehold Raceway购物中心开业。