
Canada’s first 3D printed masonry wall on display in Toronto

来自滑铁卢大学School of Architecture has created what is thought to be Canada’s first 3D printed masonry wall.

Named Hive, the modular wall consists of 175 unique blocks of 3D printed clay and was commissioned bySDI室内设计on behalf of its client, theInvestment Management Corporation of Ontario(IMCO)。现在,它被用作多伦多约克街16号公司办公空间24楼接待区的永久性展示。

The project combines traditional ceramics and computational design methods with the production capabilities of extrusion-based additive manufacturing, resulting in a honeycomb-esque structure that’s both strong and material-efficient.


Hive wall at IMCO’s office space. Photo via University of Waterloo.

3D printing in architecture and construction

戴维·科雷亚(David Correa)是一名专门研究生物风格建筑的助理教授,也是从事Hive的研究人员之一,在建筑世界中看到了3D印刷的光明未来。

雷电竞充值Addive Manufacturing无与伦比的几何功能使用户能够创建几乎无限的抽象几何形状,为构造中的功能和美学创造力铺平了道路。从经济的角度来看,该技术还具有快速制造大型且物质上效率的结构的潜力,同时消除了工具和体力劳动的需求,从而允许高生产力和较低的成本。

The University of Waterloo isn’t the first to realize these benefits, as researchers at the格拉斯工学大学(TU Graz) have been investigating how混凝土3D打印可以使大量材料和二氧化碳节省多年来。具体而言,该大学结构设计学院的一个团队最近转向3D打印,以创建比传统的建筑板轻得多的混凝土元素。

早在四月,荷兰建筑公司aectualworked with UAE-based architecture studioPragmato fabricate a弗洛里亚德博览会2022年的3D打印可回收馆。阿联酋馆跨越8,880平方英尺,包含3D印刷的立面和外围墙壁,这些墙壁反映了Claustra图案,这是阿联酋城市环境中可见的典型建筑特征。

Close-up of the Hive wall. Photo via University of Waterloo.
Close-up of the Hive wall. Photo via University of Waterloo.



According to the designers, they had to formulate their own clay mixes especially for 3D printing, as well as test the materials extensively and create several mock-up assemblies to study the feasibility of the build. The geometry of the masonry units was computationally designed.

看上去越近,3D打印的粘土单元中的每一个都是六角形的,但它们结合在一起形成三角形的构件。整个墙壁被描述为一系列开口和关闭的孔,导致隐私和光的潮起潮落 - 仅通过3D打印技术的设计自由才能使抽象功能成为可能。


The Hive project was born of a research partnership between the University of Waterloo and the IMCO. It also received technical and financial support from the Masonry Works Council of Ontario.

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