
Digital Metal introduces new certified material for all Digital Metal binder jet printers

瑞典3D打印机制造商Digital Metal宣布获得认证的金属粉H13的可用性,也称为DM H13。

As an abrasion-resistant metal, H13 is commonly found in forming tools such as extrusion dies and injection molds. The addition of this certified metal powder to the Digital Metal material library will boost the number of mission-critical applications which can be fixed on-demand right where parts are needed.

“得益于数字金属系统的精确性和准确性,可以打印高度复杂且详细的H13零件,可以通过插图后的热处理量身定制特定于应用程序的需求,”销售主管Alexander Sakratidis说。营销,数字金属AB。


Features of DM H13 metal powder

DM H13is a hot work tool steel with characteristics such as thermal fatigue resistance, hardenability, wear resistance, and toughness, attempting to make H13 a very flexible alloy. It is widely utilized in numerous manufacturing industries for both hot and cold work tooling applications, along with forming tools of various types, like extrusion dies and injection molds.

In terms of hardness and wear resistance, H13 is generally between D2 and 4140, however, the final characteristics can be customized by differing the post-sintering heat treatments.

Out of the three alloys, H13 demonstrates the most suitable thermal fatigue resistance, making it ideal for hot work applications.


DM 4140. Image via Digital Metal.
DM 4140. Image via Digital Metal.


以前,LB-PBF系统的全球领导者EOShad expanded its AM material offering by introducingeight novel metal powders and processesto be used with itsM 290,,,,M 300-4,,,,andM 400-43 d打印系统。且设置的新材料es one PREMIUM and seven CORE products, which are distinguished by their Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) – an EOS material and process technological maturity classification system launched in 2019. The TRL system’s goal is to help manufacturers securely cross the border into serial AM production by providing a standardized, data-backed metric.

此外,6K Additive,,,,a manufacturer of industrial materials for 3D printing, had revealed the commercial release of a new line ofrefractory metal powders用于增材雷电竞充值制造。耐火金属是一种以高热量和耐磨损性区别的材料。它们都具有相似的特性,例如在2000°C以上的熔点和特殊的室温硬度。它们也没有反应性并且具有高密度,这使它们非常适合高压力零件。

别处,Indian Institute of Science(IISC)研究人员开发了一种新的基于磨损的方法来创建metal powders for 3D printing。该方法旨在提供雾化的替代方法,据报道,该方法用于生成大多数金属粉末。气流或水喷射用于雾化,将熔融的金属流分离为微小的液滴,在冷却时,会形成粉末颗粒。不幸的是,尽管是行业标准,但基于雾化的粉末生产的材料产量可能较低,效率低下,并且仅与有限的金属兼容。IISC方法旨在解决这些缺陷。

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