
Lubrizol x colorFabb: development of varioShoreTPU filament technology

俄亥俄州的化学和材料公司Lubrizol 3D Printing Solutions, andcolorFabb总部位于荷兰的3D印刷材料公司揭示了新型VarioShoretpu材料的共同开发。这一联合开发旨在增强泡沫功能,并参加额外的增材制造能力。雷电竞充值VarioShore是Lubrizol’s ESTANE 3D thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU) technology. Lubrizol claims that a distinct hardness range can be printed within a single 3D part by utilizing varioShoreTPU’s proprietary filament technology.

该公司表示,Estane 3D TPU技术提供了轻巧且柔软的触感特性,较低的硬度在92至60岸A范围内,其额外好处是将其原始体积延长1.4-1.6倍。新的3D打印材料是Lubrizol和Colorfabb在下一代VarioShoretpu上合作的结果,并具有更多颜色,并改善了成品零件的美学。今年,Colorfabb推出了两个新一代的varioShoretpu,即抗菌varioshoretpu和ESD varioshoretpu。

“借助VarioShoretpu,我们提供了柔软的哑光,柔软但坚韧,独特的3D印刷丝。通过在配方中添加银,VarioShoretpu现在也适用于假肢和矫形器应用。3D打印将改变生活。”Gijs Houdijk, head of AM at colorFabb.

varioshoreTPU 3D printing filament. Image via colorFabb.
varioshoreTPU 3D printing filament. Image via colorFabb.

Lubrizol’s industrial portfolio

Estane TRX TPUandBouncell-X, two基于聚合物的材料Lubrizol宣布了鞋类市场的替代方案。最初引入了Estane TRX TPU和Bouncell-XChinaplas 2018, the plastics and rubber trade show in Shanghai, as sustainable material alternatives that provide cushion, outsole, and assembly processes for athletic footwear.

Furthermore,Ultimakerhas three Lubrizol ESTANE 3D热塑性聚氨酯(TPU)材料for fused filament fabrication (FFF) 3D printing,Estane 3D TPU F94A-055或HH PL,3DP TPU 98A, and3DP TPU F70Dthermoplastics from Lubrizol. The filaments are intended to meet Ultimaker customers’ needs for plastics suitable for FFF applications such as industrial jigs and fixtures, prototypes, end-use parts, and flexible parts such as orthopedic insoles.

Elsewhere, Lubrizol revealed that its埃斯坦3D TPU M95A3D打印的粉末已通过ISO 10993-5和10993-10皮肤敏化和细胞毒性测试. Lubrizol stated that the successful tests showed that the material, developed for use with HP Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) technology, can be used by product designers who are utilizing 3D printing for end-use applications which require skin contact. According to the company, it will benefit applications such as footwear, prosthetic and orthotic devices, and electronic device wearables.

“Lubrizol 3D Printing Solutions provides state-of-the-art TPU chemistry that best fits the development of varioShoreTPU for a wide range of applications. Our strong partnership and market insights have allowed both companies to unlock the additive manufacturing (AM) segment with varioShoreTPU, a truly unique and differentiated solution,” saidDavid Pascual, global 3DP marketing & commercial lead for Lubrizol.

varioShoreTPU can be applied in different additive manufacturing applications like prosthetic and orthotic applications. Image via Lubrizol.
varioShoreTPU can be applied in different additive manufacturing applications like prosthetic and orthotic applications. Image via Lubrizol.

3D printing filaments

Recently,Spectrum Filaments这是欧洲最大的3D印刷材料制造商之一,在FDM / FFF技术中,首次亮相八个new technical materialsat the Formnext 2022. Composites of Kevlar (aramid fibers), PTFE (Teflon), carbon fibers, and glass fibers were among the materials. The package also included a high-temperature PPS AM230 material with a softening point (VICAT) of up to 236°C.

Previously,实现, a Belgian software and 3D printing service provider, announced the addition of the Ultrasint thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) 01 from German chemical company巴斯夫to its portfolio of 3D printing materials. This novel material is intended for use with生命值新的多喷气融合(MJF)5200 Series雷电竞app下载3D打印机。据报道,物质化是第一家创造的公司巴斯夫的TPU粉可通过在线平台访问实现OnSite andi.materalise,以及其离线原型制造和制造服务。

Elsewhere,Delft University of Technologyresearchers had created a method for 3D printing room temperature self-healing TPU (SH-TPU) utilizing fused deposition modeling (FDM). According to the researchers, the SH-TPU used in the study had less mechanical dependence on printing conditions than a 3D-printed commercialTPU,它还具有在室温下治愈损害的额外好处。

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