
EOS的创始人将领导力交给Adrian Keppler博士

Dr. Adrian Keppler, managing director of industrial 3D printer company EOS GmbH, has been appointed the company’s new CEO and Speaker of Corporate Management. Dr. Hans J. Langer, the founder of EOS will stay on as CEO and Chairman of the EOS Group, though Dr. Keppler will be in charge of implementing the EOS strategy together with CTO Dr. Tobias Abeln and CFO Eric Paffrath.



在宣布他的新职位时,基普勒博士首先感谢Langer家族“for entrusting me with this new position”评论,“I look forward to the task ahead.”他说,就EOS战略而言



I am very happy to see Dr. Keppler taking on this new challenge. Even today, we can take pride in the fact that EOS continues to perform according to plan and is growing quicker than the market as a whole. With his wealth of experience in entering new market segments, Dr. Keppler is the right person to lead EOS GmbH into a successful future and continue developing it within the EOS Group.

Dr. Langer’s focus will now be on the direction of the EOS Group as whole, managing the strategic expansion and development of e-manufactruing solutions.

An invested commitment to Industry 4.0

So far in 2017, EOS has been advancing its commitment to the next industrial revolution through a number of software, hardware, and business announcements.

该公司是the “Next Generation Additive Manufacturing” project与航空航天专家Premium Aerotec和梅赛德斯 - 奔驰生产商戴姆勒一起生产。

EOS的“ NextGenam”工厂概念的草图。通过Premium Aerotec,EOS和Daimler的图像
Sketch of EOS’s “NextGenAM” factory concept. Image via Premium AEROTEC, EOS and Daimler

在汉诺威·梅斯(Hannover Messe)2017年EOS也介绍了它P 396聚合物3D打印机作为“数字工厂”解决方案。

此外,该公司已经建立了战略金属3D打印合作伙伴关系with German car manufacturer Audi, andthe powder metallurgy branch of British engineering company GKN。也是在与3 YourMind的软件合作中推进行业4.0内部数字化。

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特色图像:EOS的新任首席执行官兼发言人Adrian Keppler博士。FTP Edelman/EOS的照片