Medical & Dental

与VA Puget Sound的GE Healthcare合作伙伴关系,以改善医疗3D打印

GE Healthcare和VA Puget Sound Health Carey系统宣布了旨在改善退伍军人的临床结果和医疗治疗的合作伙伴关系。

Under a research agreement, GE Healthcare will provide the VA with software and workstations in return for feedback on the technology. With approximately 9 million patients such input is expected to, “inform future research, development and scalability of 3D printing applications in healthcare.”

VA Innovation专家和VHA 3D印刷咨询委员会主席贝丝·里普利(Beth Ripley),医学博士,博士,弗吉尼亚州普吉特海湾放射科医生说:“退伍军人卫生管理局一直在将3D印刷带到床边,我们很高兴与我们联合起来。GE Healthcare,以增强和加速其采用,”


GE Healthcare首席创新官Terri Bresenham表示:“我们很高兴与退伍军人管理局合作,加速医疗保健中的3D印刷品,”

“这种合作伙伴关系将为医学中的增材制造不断扩大,同时推进GE Healthcare朝着改善患者结局并启用Precision Healthcare的使命。”雷电竞充值

Medical practitionerswith specialisms in cardiology, oncology, orthopaedics and other areas will have access to the GE technology and software and aim “to develop new 3D imaging approaches and techniques to deliver improved precision healthcare for our nation’s veterans,” according to GE. Specifcially it is anticipated that the GE software will, “reduce the time it takes to create 3D models from hours to minutes.”


Creating CAD models from medical image data can be a laborious process requiring specialist workers. For example, the位于利特尔顿的3D系统医疗技术中心。has a large number of experts engaged in this activity using software tools such as ZBrush to produce 3D printable models.

Other solutions for将标准DICOM数据转换为适合在3D打印工作流程中使用的格式,包括Mimics Inprint。。最近,宣布了Materialize和Siemens Healthineers之间的合作伙伴关系,这将使该工具更广泛地适用于使用医学成像技术(包括CT和MRI)的人。

弗吉尼亚州一直是医疗3D印刷的热情采用。今年早些时候,Stratasys announced it would be installing 3D printersat five Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals including the Puget Sound facility.

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