



讲话Automation WorldWipro的总经理兼业务部门负责人Sanjeev Ramakrishnan解释了Wipro如何开发了一个具有四个主要产品的区块链系统。其中包括针对反击,航空航天认证,供应链和添加剂制造的措施。雷电竞充值

区块链作为一个分散的网络,对恶意数据篡改的弹性被认为是数据安全性和完整性的有利作用。和网络安全越来越成为头条新闻, such characteristics are understandably appealing.

Next generation cryptocurrencies such as the Ethereum platform have added another level of sophistication to blockchain, for example the ability to execute scripts that permit automated negotiation via smart contracts.

Wipro的添加雷电竞充值剂制造部门Wipro3D最近partnered with US 3D printing consultancy firm Print Formto expand the company’s global 3D printing operations.


Securing the manufacturing process

Sanjeev Ramakrishnan解释说,Wipro专门的区块链解决方案旨在针对制造业务,并且可以根据客户的个人需求进行量身定制。正如他所说,

…all of Wipro’s blockchain solutions include: blueprints for domain-specific use case; the solution architecture; the code base, which can be customized and integrated; and full solution documentation



通过确保数字资产,WIPRO认为区块链在航空航天中有特殊的应用,在航空航天中,适用性证书的准则特别严格。跨区块链持有的数据对故意腐败具有抵抗力,因为任何更改都无法与分布式分类帐获得验证。拉马克里什南说“the shared ledger ensures a tamper-proof and reliable version of data is available for all participants。”

Ramakrishnan cites, but does not name, an aircraft manufacturer who has worked with Wipro and benefited from the blockchain system for unifying the manufacturing and certification systems.

在其他地方,金属3D印刷在航空航天行业和挪威公司Norsk Titanium越来越普遍宣布将为波音提供世界上第一个结构性3D印刷组件对于787 Dreamliner。

The first 3D printed, structurally supportive, titanium part to be used on Boeing 787 Dreamliner reached FAA Approval in February 2017 after year in development. Photo via Norsk Titanium
在开发一年后,在波音787 Dreamliner上使用的第一个3D印刷,在结构上支持的钛零件于2017年2月获得了FAA批准。通过Norsk Titanium的照片

Digital thread

For the ability to track a part through its entire manufacturing process from design to final product, the system is suited for managing supply chains. The U.S. Navy has最近宣布将试用区块链系统管理其3D打印机并跟踪此零件雷电竞app下载的数字线程。


According to Ramakrishnan, “all goods uniquely identified via tokens are transferred via the blockchain, with each transaction verified and time-stamped in an encrypted transparent process.这种系统是管理供应链的理想选择,Wipro认为这特别适用于3D打印。

和3D printing technology already having such a strong emphasis on the use of digital data, there is already an incentive to refine the management process with a secure system such as blockchain. Ramakrishnan also explains that this can then bring added benefits,

Since these 3D model files are shared using conventional file sharing methodologies, there is a high risk of IP theft, tracking use of the 3D model files per contracted quantity is also challenging since this is typically done manually.

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