3D Printing

3D Printed Helmet Responds to Brainwaves

它看起来像是一部新电影中的道具,但是Behnaz Farahi创建的这款奇怪的可穿戴装置确实是一种根据佩戴者的脑电波而改变形状的装置。建筑师和设计师创建了突触探索两个多物质的3D打印和可穿戴设备,以响应大脑的神经命令。

Synapse_open 3D打印的Helemt脑电波

The Synapse helmet moves and changes shape based on the Eletroencephalography of the brain using an EEG chip and a modifiedMindflex headset. While EEG is typically used in medical applications like diagnosing epilepsy, Farahi has instead wired the electrodes to move the flexible parts of Synapse in response to stimuli from the wearer’s environment. EEG technology is capable of measuring multiple types of data produced by the brain, including: Attention, Meditation, Delta, Theta, Low Alpha, High Alpha, Low Beta, High Beta, Low Gamma, and High Gamma values. To see just how the helmet works, watch the Synapse in action.

突触是使用OBJET CONNEX500打印的3D,能够同时使用多种材料打印,甚至结合材料以创建不同级别的柔韧性和刚性。在这种情况下,法拉希将Vero White用于头盔的固体部分和可移动零件的柔性黑色材料。

Synapse_cad 3D打印EEG头盔


Synapse_Clated 3D打印EEG头盔

As a fellow at the University of Southern California, Farahi’s two Masters degrees in Architecture influence her exploration of creating environments that respond to the movement and needs of the human body. You can find out more about the突触以及她网站上的所有Farahi有趣的项目。