
3D Systems Gentle Giant Studio launches mobile 3D scanning units for the entertainment industry

3D Systems’摄影测量部Gentle Giant Studios, has launched two mobile studios to expand 3D scanning services for the entertainment industry. The two studios, Juggernaut I and Juggernaut II, are designed to deliver enhanced scanning services with quality 96% faster than traditional means.

“我们一直认为,现代创新的根源在于为尽可能多的人提供正确的工具和技术,” Giant Giant Studios创始人Karl Meyer说。


3D scans of film props created by Gentle Giant Studios. Image via Gentle Giant Studios.
3D scans of film props created by Gentle Giant Studios. Image via Gentle Giant Studios.

Gentle Giant Studios

2014年3D Systems acquired Gentle Giant Studios,总部位于加利福尼亚伯班克进一步的3D扫描,建模和印刷娱乐,玩具,收藏品和动作人物的范围。温柔的巨人曾在电影界工作,设计,开发和制造3D解决方案,以代表演员,道具,风景和角色。

该工作室还参与了视频游戏行业,并且已经使用了雷电竞充值增材制造业以创建真人大小的“ singleton”机器人, a character in the video gameGrey Goo。Gentle Giant Studios的全球执行制片人Kim Lavery补充说:“我们的团队在创新方面蓬勃发展,技术,交付和客户关系的卓越表现都很高。”

Juggernaut Studios

这Juggernaut Studiosare equipped with 150 to 200 cameras yielding raw body scans as dense as 100,000,000+ polygons. The units also include a proprietary triggering system for the cameras and lights which provide approximately “100% likeness to enable rapid design capture of CGI Digital Doubles, wardrobe, and props on location,” according to Gentle Giant Studios.

This technology is used for Facial Action Coding System (FACS) sessions that capture individual facial expressions used to create photo-real people and animals. The Juggernaut system is intended to reduce the time and cost involved in photogrammetry services for production companies without sacrificing quality. As a result, the Juggernaut mobile units take two hours to set up, a drastic difference compared to the estimated 2.5 days with the traditional workflow. Pierre Bohanna, an independent costume FX designer explained:

“这移动摄影测量解决方案解决了number of challenges others have not been able to overcome. The Juggernaut rocks up to stage, on location and talent, wardrobe, and props are scanned in very little time. The data acquired allows me and my team to create wardrobe and props with 100% accuracy.”

Traditionally, photogrammetry services require transporting equipment and experienced professionals to a shoot location. A temporary soundstage must also be constructed which incurs significant expenses for a production company.

3D系统以前实现了类似的概念3D printing pop-up shop for Comic-Con

3D scans of actor Mark Ruffalo's arm used within the special FX for the Avengers movie. Image via Gentle Giant Studios.
3D scans of actor Mark Ruffalo’s arm used within the special FX for the Avengers movie. Image via Gentle Giant Studios.


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Featured image shows 3D scans of actor Mark Ruffalo’s arm used within the special FX for the Avengers movie. Image via Gentle Giant Studios.